Breaking up Prank

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Hope has been pranking Josie all last week.. scaring her, hiding from her throughout the entire day etc. Josie decided to get back at Hope with the help of her best friends and sister.

Monday after school..

Hope had just got out of AP calculus and pulled out her phone to text her gf about hanging out that afternoon in their room because they've barely seen each other since the weekend because Dr. Saltzman and Caroline wanted to spend the weekend with the twins.

"Babe, do you wanna have movie night tonight at my room? If the answer is yes... We can also do some other things if yk what I mean hehe." Hope smirked at her text to Josie but it slowly faded away when she still hadn't got a reply from her girlfriend.

"Babe?.." still no reply

"Babyyyy??" Still no reply and Hope was officially starting to get upset because Josie NEVER ignores Hope like this. So hope decided to head back to her room and see what's the issue with her girlfriend.

Hope flashes to her room and begins to open the door and what she sees next makes her heart race and ache at the same time... Josie's packing her bags.

J-Jo? What are y-you doing? Where are you going with your things?... Hope say to Josie as her voice begins to crack. Josie doesn't even look instead she keeps her head down to hide the tiny smile trying to creep upon her face.

Josie's Pov
God! How does she do this I'm literally dying on the inside because she's such a big softie and I honestly thought it would take her a while to crack... hehe what a pussy, Josie thought in her head.

"I-I'm leaving you Hope, I'm packing my things and leaving you Hope. I can't do this anymore." Josie said trying to make herself sound stern to get her point across to let Hope know that she was serious.

"Josette, baby please just stop and let's just talk this out, okay? I don't even know what I've done to make you want to leave right now. I'm lost Josie- please- j-just stop!" Hope raised her voice a bit to make Josie look at her. Josie sighed loudly as if she was annoyed and stopped what she was doing.

"Okay fine you want to know why I'm leaving you!? Josie yelled and she asked Hope. "Yes, I do because this is ridiculous!" Hope yelled back to Josie on the other side of the bed.

"Fine! Hope I just don't want to be with you anymore!" Josie says loudly, so loud the super squad heard her from Lizzie's room down the hall.

"I am so sick and tired of being your girlfriend, I hate you, you've never been enough for me and I just can't stand being with you another second.. The words coming out of Josie's mouth made Hope's heart officially shatter into a million pieces. Everything was fine between them two days ago and now she getting broken up with.

Josie wasn't done with Hope just yet, she wanted to see her make her feel the way Hope makes her feel when she pranks her.

"Tuh! Jade was right about you, you'll never be enough, NEVER." Josie says as she grabs her last few bags. Even though Josie is enjoying this another part of her wants to cry her eyes out at the things she's said to her one true love.

"P-please Josette.. I n-need you.. I'll do better, okay? I'll take you out on more dates, we'll have more cuddle time, I'll focus on you and stop mister hunting with the squad! Please just please Jo.. stay." Hope is officially on her knees holding onto Josie's legs as if she were a three year old and Josie can just barely take it anymore. But she has to finish the job.

"Get off of me! Didn't you here what I said!? We're done and I'm leaving now so goodbye Hope Mikaelson!" Lizzie walks in and looks down at Hope as she has her head in her hands sobbing her eyes out, Lizzie looks at Josie like she's gone a little too far but damn she did a good job. Lizzie takes some of her sister's bags and they both leave.

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