She couldn't compare

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   It was a normal Thursday at the Salvatore school for Hope, there wasn't much going on. The monsters were still present but nonetheless it was under control.

Hope had just finished up her last class for the day and went to meet Josie at her class to walk to their shared dorm. As she was walking to meet her girlfriend, she ran into someone carrying books in their hands, which eventually fell out of them due to the collision.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry about that. I swear it was an accident!" The girl said to Hope.

"Don't sweat it! It was a total mistake, if anything I'm should be saying sorry you're the one carrying the books. So I'm sorry about that." Hope and the girl giggled at the conversation.

"It's totally fine, I'm such a klutz!" The girl said pushing up her glasses to see Hope better. She didn't realize how gorgeous Hope was until she did so.

"We all make mistakes, no big deal. I'm just glad nothing was totally ruined in the process you know?"  As Hope locked eyes with the girl, she was taken aback by the other girl's beauty.

"Y-Yeah I guess so hehe.." they stood there for a moment staring at each other until the noice around them brought them back to reality.

"I-I'm Hope, Hope Mikealson and you are?" Hope stuck her hand out to shake the other girls. She tried to make conversation to forget about how long she was awkwardly staring at the other girl.

"I'm Ameilia, Ameilia Hastings! I'm a new witch here actually, which is probably obvious to you by now. It's nice to meet you Hope. Ameilia shook Hope's hand and gave a firm smile.

"Oh wow thats great ! Nice meeting you too Ameilia!" Hope was shaking hands with Ameilia and noticed that the hand shake was a little too long. Apparently the other girl noticed as well because they both pulled their hands back like they touched a hot flame.

"Well uhh I should be going now, my girlfriend is probably waiting for me by now. Again I'm really sorry about running into you, but it was really nice meeting you Ameilia! Maybe I'll see you around sometime?"

"Y-yeah totally! Of course! It was nice meeting you too Hope. Maybe we'll have some classes together after I figure out my schedule." It hit Ameilia like a truck when she heard Hope say "girlfriend". But she kept it cool the entire interaction after that.

"Great I'll be seeing you then ms. Hastings" Hope teasing the other girl to make friendly fun.

"Same to ms. Mikealson" both girls laughed and said their final goodbyes.

When the girl walked away Hope couldn't stop smiling. She felt like she could be really good friends with the new girl. After her thought was officially over she realized that she had been late picking Josie up from her class.

"Shit!" Hope yelled whispered to herself. She flashed to her girlfriend's class noticing it was completely empty. So she ran to her room, opening the door to reveal a semi angry Josie.

"H-hey baby.. h-how was physics!?" Hope tried to sweet talk Josie in to smiling at her. She knew Jo was pissed. "I missed you sooo much toda-" Hope leaned in for a kiss and was automatically rejected by her girlfriend. She knew she was fck'd.

"Don't heyyy baby me.. who was the girl you were making googly eyes with in the hallway??" Josie asked with annoyance in her voice. Hope winced at her girlfriend tone but soon became shocked but her question.

"You saw me and Amelia after class today!?" Hope was shitting bricks, she felt like her head was about to explode. Either that or Josie was going to set her ass on fire.

"Oh so you know her name already, that's just cute.." Josie said rolling her eyes and turning away from Hope.

"Babe, it's not like that, I was on the way to come and get you and I accidentally ran into her and made her drop all her things. Eventually we just made small talk and I lost track of time. Honestly my love, that's all it was."

"Are you telling me the truth?.. She's really pretty and I saw how you looked at her." Josie gave Hope her heartbreaking pout and stared right into her eyes    This made up shatter into a million pieces.

"Oh my goodness Josette, baby.. I would never look at someone the way I look at you. Okay yes, she is really gorgeous!" Josie gave Hope a shockingly surprised look and was about to walk way but Hope stopped her. "B-but! You know I only have eyes for the most finest girl in the Salvatore boarding school, c'mon Jos.. I'd never hurt you like that. Besides.. I'm only into brunettes. Hope gave her the famous Mikealson smirk and winked at her.

This made Josie smile at her girlfriend, she could never stay upset for long. "Damn you Hope Mikealson and your sweet talk!" She thought to herself.

"Fine! Fineeee! Josie yelled. "I forgive you.. but! I want extra kisses and cuddly time, since you were late today." Josie gave Hope a serious look and Hope couldn't help but smile.

"Your wish is my command my love, I'm really sorry for being late.. I love youuu.." Hope leaned in once again to kiss her girlfriend and Josie couldn't resist.

"I love you too hopeyyy.." Hope hated the nickname.

"Jooooo! Stop calling me that!" This made Josie laugh. "Neverrr gonna happen!" Hope tackled Josie onto the bed and began to attack her with kisses, making Josie laugh hysterically.

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