The Crush

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Give it back HOPE!!!! Josie yells while she's running after Hope. Hope had heard a rumor about Josie having a crush and decided to snoop around the twins room to find her best friend's "deepest darkest secrets."

Not a chance in hell Josette! Hope says through her laughter and almost running into the younger students.

Josie was starting to get angry because she didn't want anyone to know about her crush, and the fact that her crush was holding the very secret in her hand running away from her was literally her worst nightmare.

Josie caught up to Hope and tried to grab her arm but Hope was too fast. They both stopped running and just tussled a bit for the book. Hope was still very curious about this stupid crush Josie had and why she was so hell bent on not letting her own best friend know about it.

"Hope please don't read my journal.. it's personal and I'm not really interested in sharing my secrets today. Just give me my journal cmon... Josie said while she held her hand out to grab the book.

Hope snatched away and began to laugh. "Jo, I don't see what's the big deal about telling YOUR best friend about your crush that you have on someone. Hope stopped giggling as the thought hit her. "... do y-you not consider me that a-anymore?.." Hope said give Josie sad eyes as her smile faded away.

"Oh god no Hope! You're my one and only best friend! I couldn't ask for anyone better." Josie said while grabbing Hope's hands to prove she was serious. "I-I just.. I'm scared to tell you because you might think of me as a joke or worse.. a freak"

"Hey c'mon Jos, I would never judge you for having a crush on someone, no matter who they are. As long as they treat you with kindness and respect, and excepting you flaws and all.. then I'm okay with." Hope said with a smile on her face.

Josie couldn't help but melt at the words Hope just said to her, If only she could just come out and tell the girl how she truly feels. Josie started to notice that she was caressing Hope's hands and instantly pulled back a bit, because if she stared any longer she would've leaned in for a kiss.

"T-thank you Hope, I really appreciate it.. honestly you're the best." Was all Josie said to Hope knowing deep down she wanted to say more, but of course she didn't.

"No problem Josette, if you ever need me for anything like this or something else I'm right here." Hope looked Josie in her eyes and Josie nodded her head.

"Okayyyy, so who is the lucky contender...? Do I know them or are they from Mystic Falls High..!?" Hope said to Josie making her heart skip a beat because she didn't want Josie to have a crush on anyone but her.

("ITS YOU IDIOT! Wipe the sht out of your eyes and maybe... just maybe... you'll notice that it's you genius.") was what Josie wanted to say but all she managed to get out was "JED!, i-it's jed..."areyoufuckingseriousjosie.!!! Is what she said to herself.

"O- Oh! That's... that's great Jos, I'm sure he likes you too... umm well I should uhh go now, later! bye!" Hope started to fell a bit verklempt and needed to escape from Josie without her seeing her cry.

**Time jumps to the library with Josie, Lizzie, Jed, Mg, and Kaleb.

"YOU WHATTTT!!!!???" The four friends stood up and shouted at Josie. Josie was freaking out, hell everyone was.

"Stop yelling at me! Jesus Christ!!" Josie was officially losing it right now. Josie was pacing back and forth with her hands on the top of her head trying to figure out where the hell everything went wrong.

"Jos, why in gods name would you tell your ACTUAL crush that you have a crush on me?... No offense but we all know how you feel about her so why not just tell her?"

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