"H-Hi mrs Forbes..."

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Hope's POV

It's been two weeks.. TWO FUCKING WEEKS since me and Josie have had sex. Before you ask, yes I was late to our anniversary dinner and I've been making it up to Jos ever since to take the edge off.


Josie had been sitting at the table she prepared for her and her girlfriend at her aunt Bonnie's house waiting for Hope to show up. She had it all in perfect setting.. lights dim, candles magically floating above the table to set the mood while some of their favorite love songs played in the background.

It had been two hours and hope has yet to show and Josie's almost out of wine. Josie realized that it was damn near midnight and decided to call it quits. She began to throw the meal she prepared away with tears running down her face from the embarrassment she feels from being stood up by her girlfriend.

Maybe if it was a random person who stood her up at a restaurant that it wouldn't hurt as much. But this is a different level of hurt for Josie her own girlfriend stood her up and hasn't even called or walked throughout the door yet, she's pissed.

Soon after Josie hears a rush through the door and begins to roll her eyes which are now red from all the crying, she knows it's Hope that's entering the house.

"B-babe I'm soooo sorry I'm late, Lizzie, your dad and I got a lead on the new monster and I couldn't get a chance to call you but I got here as fast as I could... I'm sorry Josette." Hope puts her head down  and the last sentence because she knows she's screwed up this time. Josie won't even look at her.

Hope begins to walk towards her girlfriend and lightly grabs her arms to make her look at her. "Josie, please I know you're upset and I'm really sorry babe. Please don't be mad at me." Josie snatched away and scoffed.

"Don't be mad at you? Don't be mad at you?!!! You literally stood me up, YOU'RE girlfriend on our anniversary to chase down a fucking monster, that you've yet to catch might I add and you're expecting me to not be mad!" Josie shouts at Hope and Hope can't do anything but keep her eyes on the floor and remain silent because she's never felt so guilty. Josie sighs at the girls actions and continues to speak.

"Hope I get it, we're young and we'll have more anniversaries because we're in love but these things are important to me. Having you around as my girlfriend is important to me. So when you choose to go monster hunting over spending the night with me on our anniversary, it hurts and right now I don't want to be around you."

Josie turns around and continues to blow the candles out, and Hope stands there with tears and regret all over her face. She hurt her girlfriend tonight and she doesn't know how to fix it but she knows she will in due time. Josie turns around once more and begins to speak.

"I'm heading upstairs now, I'm tired. Given my current attitude towards you tonight, you can sleep in the guest room for a while. Don't stay up too late, you know how cranky you get in the morning. Happy anniversary Hope. I love you. With that she kissed Hope on the cheek, blew the last candle out and walked away leaving Hope in the dark room.

End of flashback...

Still Hope's POV
Two weeks have passed and every day all I've done was the absolute most for my favorite girl. Each day I had a Lilly flower sent to Josette's dorm room for her to accumulate with a not attached to it for her to see before she starts her day. I'd make her favorite meals before lunch starts for her and a not telling her how beautiful she is next to her food on her tray. I have everything in place because tomorrow night is the night that I get my girl back.

Today I decided to go up to her room and ask her out to a home dinner at the Mikaelson ranch not to far from here to make up for my lackluster behavior on our anniversary. I regret that night every time I see her, how could I not feel guilty when she looks at me with those sad eyes.

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