Shopping and Movie Night

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(Also sorry if there is bad grammar I didn't really feel like proof reading it.)

Warnings: Swearing

(1530 Words)

***y/n pov***

After I stopped freaking the hell out, I realized my dad was calling for me. I walked over to my door and opened it and said, "yeah dad?" he said I had to go to bed since it was a school day tomorrow and it was already 11:43, I replied with, "ok, I will see you in the morning, goodnight." After he left the room, I headed to the bathroom to take a shower. When I got out, I couldn't stop thinking about what MJ told me! "OMG what was I going to do tomorrow??? I can't just act like nothing happened! I am going to start freaking out again when I see him!!... Ok...Ok just calm down y/n." I thought to myself.

***Time skip***

When I got up, I saw a note sitting next to me saying, "Waiting outside." Once I read it, I quickly got ready and headed out the door to find my dad waiting at the car. "About time kiddo." He spoke. I simply replied with, "yea sorry my alarm didn't go off." He opened the car door and I got inside the passenger seat. "Don't you think this is a bad idea, you know, going to school with Tony Stark? Don't you think people will get like suspicious?" He didn't answer, I just assumed he was thinking of an answer. After what felt like 10 minutes, the only thing he said was, "it's fine." My expression just said it all by just having such a confused face. Once we arrived at Steve's house, I asked my dad, "what are we doing here?" And of course, he didn't answer and just got out of the car, and I did the same. Steve said, "Good morning!" I said," Good morning" and asked, "what the hell is he doing?" He said, "HEY LANGUAGE." I replied with, "Ok...Ok, but like what is he actually doing?" And told me he was just getting normal clothes to disguise himself to look "normal."

***Time skip***

Once we left, we drove to school. When we got there, everybody started to stare me because I was getting out of a cool and expensive ass car. Luckily, nobody could figure out who the driver was. My eyes quickly spotted Peter in the crowd of people staring at me. My heart started beating really fast, and I just started walking up to Peter, MJ, and Ned.

***Peter's pov***

Once I saw an expensive car that looked oddly familiar, I realized it was Mr. Starks car. The only reason I knew that was because I have been over there so many times, I mean for work and hanging out with Y/n. I soon enough saw Y/n step out of the car. My heart started to beat real fast, and It wouldn't stop. All I wondered was if she felt the same way about me. I suddenly remembered that Winter Formal was coming up in like a week! Oh god I should ask her to the formal! Ok...Ok I need to ask MJ if she found out anything out last night. I quickly walked over to MJ before y/n came over to us, anyways I asked her, "Hey MJ did you by chance find anything out last night? You know about y/n?" I whispered the last part. She said, "Oh yeahhhh, I defiantly found out she REALLY LIKES YOU!!!, oh shit... do NOT tell her I told you that." She soon informed me that I was blushing. I thought to myself, "Holy shit, she actually likes me back!!!" And then of course Ned snapped in front of my face causing me to snap out of my gaze, I soon realized y/n was standing right in front of me. "Just play it cool peter." Thinking I said that to myself but really, I accidentally said it out loud. "Fuck" I also realized they were all staring at me. "God I am so stupid" accept this time I did say this to myself and not out loud.

***y/n pov***

I was really confused why Peter had said that. Oh well. Soon enough the bell rang and me and MJ started to walk to first period together.

***Time skip***

After school, I walked outside to find...My dad, what is he doing here? He called out for me and MJ which I mean he knew her because I talk about her all the time at home. Anyways he said he heard from Peter that there was a Winter Formal coming up next week. "Shoot I totally forgot about that." I thought to myself. Then of course he said he is going to drop me and MJ off at the Mall to get dresses with the welcome home present money he gave me. I was beyond excited to get a dress, but then again, I was really confused at the same time because I didn't have a date to the Formal, I wondered to myself if Peter will ask me. "Well then here we are." My dad said which made me fall out of my daydream. He opened my door for me and MJ and told me to have fun. Me and MJ soon found the perfect dresses! Mine was a dark maroon color dress, and MJ's was a dark blue dress. After we left the store, we saw Fucky Flash Thompson. Of course he would be here, we soon turned around and we left the mall. I had my dad pick us up, later we dropped MJ off at her house and we headed home. Once we got home, I saw that Wanda was in the kitchen with Vision. I walked over to them and showed Wanda the dress I got! She said it was gorgeous and excited to see me in it. I said she should come next week and help me get ready, and she gladly agreed.

***Time skip***

I heard the door open to the house, I quickly opened my door to see everybody and remembered it was Avenger Movie Night. "Holy shit, Peter is coming!" I said and of course Steve yelled, "LANGUAGE!" I quickly yelled back, "SORRY." I went and but on a crop top but not to showy, and some shorts, and just put on a little bit of makeup. Then there was a knock on the door. I ran down the stairs and opened the door and there stood Peter Benjamin Parker. I welcomed him in. Everyone sat down in front of the TV ready for movie night besides me and Wanda. Wanda walked over to me and said, "I think you and Peter would make a really cute couple! I mean have you seen the way you guys look at each other?" I quickly started blushing and she smiled and said Vision saved me a seat next to Peter and added a winked. Once I left the kitchen, I headed over to where everyone was sitting. I then saw the spot open next to Peter which was actually the only spot open.

I started getting nervous...but I went and sat down next to him and I could slightly see him blushing, but I couldn't tell because it was so dark. Thor then turned on the TV right after I had said hi to Peter, we all ended up watching a horror movie and I started getting pretty tired and accidentally feel asleep on Peters' shoulder. When I woke up, I noticed everyone had went to bed and Peter was fast asleep. I soon realized what position I had fallen asleep in and when Peter woke up, I said, "oh god sorry Peter, I am just kind of a sleep cuddler."

***Peter pov***

"oh god sorry Peter, I am just kind of a sleep cuddler." After y/n said that I had so many thoughts going through my head like, "Does that mean we cuddled?", "What do I say, I don't wanna ruin anything." I finally just said, "oh it's ok y/n." God why did I say that, I am so dumb. I have no idea what I should say now. I was just daydreaming about y/n until I remembered, I should ask her to the dance! "Hey y/n... um I was j-just w-wondering if um you have... a date to the Winter Formal?" "Oh um no I um don't actually." She said. And I just went for it, "Well um do you w-wanna um go w-with me?" y/n got the biggest smile I have ever seen and said "yes". YESSS I DID IT!!!

***y/n pov***

HOLY SHIT HE ACTUALLY ASKED ME!!! Ok...ok, just me cool, just like Peter said.

***Peter pov***

I was so happy she said yes! Ok... I have to tell Ned and MJ

[guys, guess what just happened]

[what?] Ned asked.

I replied [I asked y/n to the Winter Formal].

[Well, what did she say] MJ asked.

[she said yes!!!] I told them.

[Woohoo!!!] Ned replied.

I said [ Ok... ok I gtg but see you guys later. Bye]

[Bye] MJ replied.

[Bye] Ned also replied.

(Finally done with this chapter! Sorry if it's a little long or short depends how much you read, Hope you guys like it so far!)

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