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***y/n's pov***

Peter and I were in a pure white room, so we didn't know which way we were facing all we knew is that we were stuck, together. "Peter?", I started. "Ya" he said in a worried yet comforting tone." I am scared", I told him while he put his arm around me. "hey, we'll be alright", he told me then he said something under his breath I couldn't make it out though. Then I noticed we were still in our suits hoping that it will work I said," wait we can just blast our way out of here, I have the feature on my suit." We tried; it didn't work. "what are these walls made of" I yelled in anger. Peter just sat there staring off into space I wonder what he is thinking.

***Peter's pov***

I was just sitting there, probably looking like an idiot, but I was actually trying to use my smarts to figure a way out. Then it clicked," we must be getting air from somewhere, right. If we find the source maybe, we can find a way out." "brilliant", y/n said which made me blush. "If we start a small fire we can see where the smoke is being led out and try to break it since it would be hollow", I said kind of nerdy. "Ya, but how", she added," we don't even know how to start a fire." "I went to boy scouts I know how to start one like the back of my hand" wow I just sound nerdier and nerdier. "do you have any metal jewelry or something" I asked. She gave me a metal bracelet and asked, "will this do?" "Perfect", I told y/n. I took off my watch, "we still need something to burn." "how about my socks" she said. "That will do" I told her. Then she started to take them off, "RIP fuzzy socks", I said. She giggled which made her almost fall over. I started rubbing my watch and her bracelet over the socks. It started to spark and before we knew it, we had a fire going. The smoke automatically went to a corner of the wall and started to get drained out. Y/n blasted it and we were out, or so we thought now we were in some kind of warehouse it was quite warm, so we were not in Queens anymore.

"Where are we", y/n asked. I said, "I have no idea." I was honestly scared, but I couldn't let it show or else y/n would get really scared and we would probably be here forever. "got anymore genius ideas Peter" y/n asked. I heard the fear in her voice, I just shook my head and started looking around. There was a freaky looking chair with a spotlight on it, that can't be good. I threw a rock I found on the ground at it and the chair quickly had ropes around it luckily no one was in it. The sound made y/n jump and hug me, it felt great, but I knew we were in danger. I had to figure out who did this. I saw our phones on a table. I quickly went to get them, but hesitated thinking It was a trap. I grabbed them both and nothing happened, thank god. I handed y/n her phone and put mine in my pocket.

Then I saw it Steve and Natasha in the same chair we would be in if I didn't throw that rock. They had tape across their mouth in, what looks like a sound-proof room. I whispered to y/n, "look", then pointed to them struggling and trying to get out. Then we heard footsteps I stuck to the ceiling, but y/n couldn't, so I mouthed to Steve and Nat that we will be back, then we ran out of the warehouse it turns out we were in south Florida. I could hear waves, so that means we are near the beach. Me deep into my thought process I barely heard y/n ask, "why is Steve and Nat captured and what is the mysterious person planning." I told her, "if I could answer that I would. For now, we should find some shelter it is getting late." She nodded and we started webbing away.

***y/n's pov***

The time was 7:38 and it was dark Peter and I found an abandoned shed about a mile off the coast very, cozy. It looked like a fishing shed because there were nets, which we slept on. This is like the 2nd time I have slept with Peter, and of course since I am a sleep cuddler I held Peter's hand and snuggled into his muscular arms. I fell asleep thinking about going back to Queens, seeing Steve and Nat there alive and well and everything being normal again, or as normal as it gets. I was also thinking about food I hadn't eaten in what felt like days.

***time skip***

I woke up to see Peter wasn't there, I got worried then I smelt the fresh smell of QUAKSONS. We must be near a bakery, then Peter walked in with two QUACKSONS. I smiled and once he gave me one, I practically inhaled it. Peter said, "we have to rescue Steve and Natasha." I agreed, then Peter grabbed my hand and pulled me to a pile of clothes. "last night I couldn't sleep so I started snooping around the warehouse and found these on the backside", Peter said while seeing my confused look. "to sum it up we are going under cover to rescue everyone" Peter explained. My eyes widened "ohhh, I get it now" I thought to myself. I put on a weird black poncho looking thing. It had a weird logo on it I felt like I have seen it before, but I can't recall where. We had our suits on under, just in case and started walking towards the warehouse. We swung up to an open window on the second floor. And landed on a metal platform over where we almost got caught. Peter tapped me and pointed to the room we saw Steve and Natasha in. then we heard voices it sounded like, no never mind it can't be. We knelt down so they couldn't see us, but we can see them. Then there he was the exact person I thought it was, Fucky Flash. "What the hell", I said a bit loud but only Peter heard it. Peter and I were left in shock for about three minutes till we snapped out of it. We both dropped down once Flash and the two other guys were gone. "Why", I asked Peter. Wow that was a stupid question he obviously doesn't know. "Maybe he is such a super fan he wanted to meet me in real life. I mean this is a bit far but just maybe" Peter said a bit disturbed. We went to the room that Steve and Nat were in we saw them still struggling. They saw us then got scared but we put down our hoods, there expressions changed quite quickly. They smiled even thought it was hard to make out through the tinted glass and tape over their mouths. We were about to try and break the glass when my phone went off, it was my dad. I quickly hung up; I know it will make it really suspicious but whatever. Then we herd footsteps. Peter stuck to the ceiling and I swung up to the top of the room, it made a really loud sound. it was Flash's two goons. The looked around (happily not up) and shrugged off the noise. They walked back to the door they came out of. We landed on the ground again and saw them attempting to get out, it was no use they were trapped. Then my dad called me again, but I dropped my phone this time. Shit I should have put it on silent. I quickly picked up my phone, hung up then jumped on top of the room again. The two men came rushing in at the sound. They growled at Nat and Steve then walked back and closed the door they came out of. At the sound of the door shutting, we jumped down and as soon as we were about to break the glass there were two shadows towering over us, we looked back then...

(CLIFFHANGER, I know I hate them too, but it'll keep ya reading. Who is it? You will have to keep reading...)

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