Spotted with confessions.

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( I am so friking sorry for the delay it has been so hectic and i have had writers block -ik terrible excuse- but I am not getting into my personal life anyway thanks for waiting and I have some more ideas on their way)

y/h/c = your hair color

y/nn= your nickname

y/e/c= your eye color

***Peter's POV***

As soon as we were about to break the glass there were two shadows towering over us, put our masks on and turned around. I don't think they saw our faces. All of the sudden BLACK, lights out. I woke up in a pitch-black room. I looked around, no y/n. Where is she, I started to get worried I tilted my head back trying to find hope. Then bam, I hit my head on what feels like another head. I am chained to my seat so I can't turn around but as far as I can I turn my head and see y/n's beautiful y/h/c hair. "y/n you ok", I ask. No answer I ask again," y/nn you good", once again no answer. I turned my head again and I figured out she wasn't awake. I automatically went to the (as I usually do) worst case scenario, I thought she might be dead. I started hyperventilating, then I noticed she was breathing. It felt like I just got a wall lifted off me when I found out she was ok. She yawned then her big y/e/c eyes popped open. "Are you alright", I ask for the third time this time in a calm voice trying to not sound panicked. She nodded but I knew she wasn't. then Flash walked in. "What the hell is wrong with you", I yell at him. He ignores me and starts explaining his plan to us. "you see I am your biggest fan" then he looks at y/n "Not you". "I don't know who you are." Then he gets really close to me and says," once I go live to the unmasking of spider-Man I will be the most popular social media user and I will finally meet my biggest inspiration face to face." Y/n asks, "why did you kidnap me then?" "You were with him to me your useless... unless you are like Spider-Man's sidekick or love life or something like that", he says to y/n. "well, I am not letting you in my personal life and I am definitely not his sidekick" y/n says quite confidently. I smile even though it should be offensive. Flash sneers and turns away.

***Y/n's POV***

"Fuck off" I yell, Peter snickers. Flash yells at Peter, "what are you laughing at". Then he points at one of his goons then me. I get scared, then; BAM I get punched by the goon who is apparently named Doug because that is what it says on his name tag. "Think next time you say something like that again" Flash says. Peter gets really mad and starts to try to break the chains. "I know your strong, but those chains are made out of pure titanium" Flash smirks. Jesus can't this guy just be removed from existence or something. I would stick up my middle finger, but I can't move anything besides my head. Peter asks, "Why would you capture innocent people?" "Because", Flash starts, "If you escape you would see them and have to come back and save them." Honestly, kind of smart but I am still pissed at him. Flash says, "I let them go because I am not a monst-", "SAYS WHO" I yell. Then BAM another punch. I am starting to get used to it. "I told you to watch your mouth" Fucky Flash told me. I have never been one of those master escape artists but I really wish I was. All I want to do right now is, be in Peter's arms he would comfort me. While I was thinking all this, apparently Peter was yelling and being punched. "is a punch the only move you know", I ask Doug. "Y/n it's no use", Peter whispers to me. "I know" I responded. "What are you whispering about", Flash asks with a scowl. I scream at him," nothing you want/need to know!" now he's getting really pissed. "I am done with you", Flash says while putting a piece of duct tape over my mask. "Like that's going to work", I say sarcastically, "YOU'RE A GENUIS." "Spider-Man can you believe it we met the smartest person in the world!" Peter laughs, "Oh my god can I get a picture!" "SHUT-UP" Flash shouts. "Woah there calm down it's not like we are going to hurt you. I mean we kind of can't", Peter says wiggling in his rusted chair. I almost burst out laughing but I was able to hold it in. "so long suckers", Flash says, "except spider-Man your awesome." Then, Fucky Flash slams the door and Peter and I are alone.

***Peter's POV***

Now y/n and I are alone. I look as close as I can to her and whisper, "I promise I will get us out of here." "With my help", y/n corrected me. "yes, sorry I just I don't want to lose you and it to be all my fault", I told her in woe. "your fault", she said in a questioned tone. "Yes, my fault I talked you into leaving the tower." "I agreed to it ", she said trying to take blame off me. "But I put the idea in your head", I told her in anger. "Stop", she told me, "I know your holding back tears but don't waste them on this situation of pity. Use them on happy moments." She could always see straight through me even with the mask on. "you know", I started," it is kind of ironic that we are chained up together." "How is that ironic", y/n asked. "Because I told Ned that I want to be chained up with you for the rest of my life." "Wow", y/n says," not something you hear everyday and especially not in this environment." I laughed then a booming voice came over the intercom, "oohhh looks like mysterious girl has a boyfriend." "Again, GENIUS, oh and also screw you, your goons, and your shitty ideas!", y/n yells to the intercom, which I have failed to find yet. "Dang you just yelled at that idiot that is a waste of space and to be honest I wouldn't waste oxygen on arguing with him because he is a bitch." I tell y/n trying to make her laugh to lighten the mood. "true", she says in an unconvincing (supposed to be happy) sad tone. "Just think your dad is probably already tracking you because he got worried when you didn't answer your phone", hopefully cheering up y/n. "yeah", she says with a giggle, "he is probably sending the whole avenger crew to come get us." God, I love that giggle and how cute it sounds but, it quickly changes. "Remember, tears being used on happy things not in this crap hole", I told her. "I know, I know", y/n says, "but I can't help but think what if we don't get out of here." I told her, not to think that way. "distract me, anything just to get my mind off these depressing thoughts." "alright" I say," ummm let me think oh, remember my first day of first grade, the day we first met?" "best day of my life, so far", y/n says in a monotone voice. "well, I'll tell it to you from my point of view", I start, "I was scared out of my pants I didn't even having matching clothes on." y/n bursts out laughing "I remember that!" "Ya, well that tells you how scared I was. I walk into this new school, new class filled with new people. After putting my backpack down at my desk which the teacher showed me to, I sat down while everyone else was talking. I just sat in silence regretting ever getting out of bed. Then a beautiful girl comes skipping over to me and practically yells at me HI." "those pig tails were one of my worst choices" y/n said which made me snicker. "you looked cute" I told her getting ready to argue. She just brushes it off and says "whatever." y/n never passes up and opportunity to argue and probably win against me, I let it go and continued with the story. "well pig tails aside, I said hi back in an almost inaudible voice. You brought me to your desk and showed me your secret stash of scratch and sniff paw patrol stickers. I thought they were the second coolest thing in the world, the first was you." "That is so cheesy" y/n cringed. "whatever it was true. Anyway, the teacher told us to sit on the carpet in a circle. You sat next to me. The teacher introduced herself and we got in trouble because her name wa- ""Mrs. Featherbottom" we laughed in unison. "Yep, and we both got put in the time out corner. We found a sharpie and wrote our names on the cubby, I'm not sure it she ever found it then I held out my hand and said hello I am Peter sorry it takes me some time to warm up to new people. Then you said no problem I am y/n but you can call me y/nn. Hi y/nn so when do you think we will be able to get out of the corner I am going to say sorry now I can say it for both of us if you want. Oh, please, I told you probably sounding like a lost puppy, I hate saying sorry it makes me feel weak and Aunt May always says stay strong and stand your ground, whatever that means. We walked over to Mrs. Featherbottom and you said we are both truly and deeply sorry and I promise it will never happen again (which of course did). I appreciate your apology now go back to your seats and introduce yourself. My dad taught me to say that when apologizing, it makes it sound more convincing you whispered to me when I was walking back to my seat. I looked back at you once I sat down, and you winked at me. I have been trying to wink ever since that day." "wait that's why you have been trying to wink ha that's never fading. You remember that day so well, why?" because that's the day I met the love of my life."

( y'all I am proud of the end {Strait Fire} i have nothing left to say except tell us friends to read this because I made a bet that I will get over 100 views but seriously 79 is 79 more that i thought i was going to get ur amazing have a wonderful day/night and stay positive)

[ Word count 1819]

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