And so it Starts (republished)

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Warnings: Swearing, and Kissing. (small tweaks)

(Words: 1982)

***y/n pov*** & ***time skip 1 hour later**

I KISSED SPIDER PARKER... no, no, no Peter man no, no, Peter Parker, God I can" even think! HOLY SHIT AHHH I JUST DID THAT! Ok...chill out y/n.

"WANDA" I yelled.

"Yes, are you ok?" she asked.

"Yep, I am GREAT! Guess what!" I stated

"What?" she replied.

"I kissed Peter!"

"Oh god that's amazing y/n!"

***Wanda pov***

"I kissed Peter!" y/n said

"Oh god that's amazing y/n!" I replied

I knew they would get together, and my ship club worked! I have to tell all the other members of my club! I thought to myself.

Once I left y/n's room I went downstairs to find Steve, Vison, Thor, and Natasha. In the kitchen. Which they were all a part of my club I started.

"Hey guys! Guess what y/n just told me!"

"What?" they all said in unison.

"She said that Peter and her kissed! I knew they would!"

"Yes!! We shall celebrate!" Thor said

"Ok, Ok don't get too excited there Thor." Natasha stated

"I don't think celebrating is a bad idea Nat." Vison said.

"Ok fine, but just this part of the club." Natasha replied.

"Yesss!" Thor whispered

***Peter pov***

When I got home for the night, I had the biggest smile on my face of pure excitement! I then heard a familiar voice. Oh no.

"Hey, Pete where you been." "Oh, Heyyyyy Mr. Stark. N-nice to see you. I w-was just um out

"Oh, Heyyyyy Mr. Stark. Nice to see you. I was just um out being a uh friendly neighborhood Spiderman."

"Really? Are you sure that's where you were Pete?" Mr. Stark replied

Ah Shit what do I say. Think Peter, Think! I thought to myself.

"Ok Mr. Stark... don't get mad but I was with y/n."

"Knew it!" He replied

"What, how did you find out?" I replied

"Yeah, I heard Wanda talking to her little ship club for you and y/n and heard you two... well kissed. Is that right Pete?"


"Um... Uh... yeah. I guess so." I said while rubbing the back of my neck.

"It's fine Pete, just don't do anything I would do, and definitely don't do anything I wouldn't do. See, there's this little gray area, that's where you are. Ok?"

"Right, Yeah, Yeah Mr. Stark. Thanks." I replied

"Also, I need help with y/n's birthday gift. I was thinking of making her a suit, like yours, you know?"

"Oh yeah, that's a great idea Mr. Stark. I can help plan out the design for you." I stated

"Good idea Pete, draw it out and bring it to me when your done and I will start to work on it. By the way this will be your...what's it called, oh yeah punishment. For sneaking out." Stark said, and then left.

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