Zane's Plan

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(its been a while ik but i am back and i will try to write more promise. but... this is and imagine so it does not have anything to do with the past story. also kinda pround of my self)

***Zane's POV***

"Peter hey, you wanna hang out tonight", I asked. "Sorry man I can't I already have plans with y/n, Peter replied then walked away. God, I hate y/n, Peter and I used to be best friends but now he is always hanging out with y/n. I need to get rid of her. I know exactly how to do it. I am taking online lessons on how to photo shop and I am really good at it. I wrote on a piece of paper.

This is perfect get my best friend back and get my enemy away from peter

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This is perfect get my best friend back and get my enemy away from peter. I must start right away. I had a free period so I went to the computer lad to do some research about what type of photo shop I will be doing. It was quite simple really. Put Peter on a different layer erase him and add Ned. Now all I need is a picture that cant be too hard.

***Time skip*** after school

Turns out it wasn't they were walking home together so I followed them right at y/n's front door they kissed. Easy picture >:)

***Peter's POV***

My spider senses were tingling but I ignored it, because I was with y/n, and I was so damn happy. Once y/n was in her house I walked to my apartment where Aunt May was standing in the kitchen. "You seem happy you little love bird", she said," so how is y/n and you?" "Mayyy", I complained. She replied, "sorry sorry I just want to know." "Well, I want to get my homework finished so goodbye", I said as I walked to my room. I finished all my homework during class, so I texted y/n.


PETER Hey miss u already 😘

Y/N Pete, It's been like 20 minutes

PETER Well I do 

Y/N Whatever miss u too


Y/N your my little weirdo

PETER Still on for tonight? 

Y/N I wouldn't miss it


Y/N Luv u 2

I wish it were already night so we could go out. OH NO I don't have anything to wear. I asked Aunt May and she said, "a casual tux." What even is that? I went for a blue plaid button down on top of a white T-shirt with black pants. It was 7:14 so I had to go get y/n and bring her to the Italian restaurant that we agreed on. I took a taxi to the Stark tower where y/n was waiting in the lobby, we walked to the Italian place. "Mungo's Italian", I read. y/nn and I took a big deep breath the moment we walked in to smell all the cooking. We sat at a window seat and as we waited for our drinks I looked outside and saw Zane walking past and give me a death stare. Weird that kid and I used to be close, but he turned into a loony in the 8th grade. He started to get really jealous and defensive when I met y/n. our drinks came I got a coke and y/n got a Sherly temple. Our food came and we had a beautiful night. I love y/nn so much. We walked to the Stark tower, and we went up to her room. We sat on her bed and watched Netflix. She fell asleep on my shoulder and grabbed my arm and snuggled up. I tucked her in bed and jumped out the widow slinging from building to building and right into my bedroom window. I got a text from an unknow number it said," hi old friend..." that scared the shit out of me, so I blocked the number. Then Ned called me," hey." I said he replied with the same then said," are you free the Saturday I want to go to the movies and see the new starwars movie." "yeah, I am free sounds fun."

***Zane's POV***

It is all coming together now for me to set it all up. I walked up to Peter and said, "hey I have really bad news." "Ok what is it", he replied. "uhhhh", I hesitated, "y/n is cheating on you with Ned." "Bitch I trust both y/n and Ned you don't even have proof", he shouted. "But I do", I said and gave him the photoshopped photo. He stared at it blankly. I don't think he could prosses it. "no. no. no.", he whispered. "How could she, how could he." "Sorry man", I said. "Thanks for showing me this can I keep it I need to make sure it is true", he said. "You know she will lie so she doesn't lose you", I said trying to convince him. "But why", he said," I thought we were going strong. And Ned, he just invited me to a movie. Why me." He kept rambling on and on about how he thought that the relationship with y/n was so right. Finally, y/n and Ned were gone. Now Peter and I will be best friends again and no one will ever figure out. How could they I erased the history on the computer, and I am not letting the paper out of my possession. Peter sat with me at lunch for the first time in a very long time. We caught up on what all happened, but peter wasn't really engaged in the conversation. He had too much on his mind.

***Y/n's POV***

I saw Peter stomping towards me, he looked quite angry. "EXPLAIN THIS", he yelled as he shoved a paper into my face. I looked at it, the hell is this. "How could you do this", he said. I was speechless but I managed to stutter out the words, "h-holy shit w-what is this." "You know damn well what it is! You are so evil I thought we were perfect for each other", he said in a hurt voice. "Pete", I started, "I would never break your trust in me. And you have known Ned since 1st grade he would never betray you like this." "What am I supposed to think there is photo evidence I don't want to believe it, but I has to be true", he said on the verge of tears. Who could have done this and why I must get to the bottom of this. Peter and I stood in an awkward silence for about two minutes till he grabbed my wrist and dragged me to Ned. "Let go of me", I yelled. Ned heard me and walked over. He must have seen how mad Peter was because he made a confused face. He repeated the whole conversation that I had with him to Ned but in a friendship way. I gave a look to Ned a overly confused and overwhelmed look that he returned to me. Peter looked at both of us back and forth a stormed off. MJ walked up to us and said, "uhhh guys I am so sorry but..." she handed us a paper that stated ZANE'S PLAN. We both read it and just stared blankly at MJ. She gave us a sorrow look and shoved us towards Peter. We almost did a full-on sprint to Peter to tell him the news but me gave us a disgusted look turned his back and walked away. "Peter", I started begging," please I have to show you this." "fine", he said forcefully. We gave him the paper and said," MJ got it off the floor after it fell out of Zane's backpack." "Oh my god I am so sorry to both of you I was idiotic, and he was far too happy that you so called cheated on me", he said. "it was a mistake at least we caught it early", I told him in a forgiving voice. He thanked us for being so understanding and that he was off to go punch Zane. But then I stopped him and said," lets play the long game." Peter agreed and we started to hatch a plan. All of us are going to hang out with him and see what he says about it and try to get him to talk about why he was trying to ruin our relationship.

***time skip*** after the plan unraveled

Turns out he despised both me and Ned because we apparently "took over Peter." Ha what a looney.

(this is not checked so don't judge. have a good night/day! also i wont publish for a little because my softball team won districts so we are going to world series)

{don't forget to vote and comment so more peoples can see my story}

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