Just a Fake (pt. 2)

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***y/n's POV***

It's been a week since I kissed Peter. I wanted to make him fell better and hit MJ where it really hurt. I mean how can she break up with such a sweet, amazing guy like Peter. I know we are just faking but I just think that Peter and I are meant to be together. Maybe not lovers but at the very least friends. His friends have warmed up to me too turns out I am neighbors with Sam Dodge. Sam was looking for a tutor for English, my best subject. I nominated myself and told him, "I am free on Monday and Thursday unless I have some urgent plans. Only if you want my help of course." "Sounds good! Is every Thursday, ok?" I replied with, "yup. But don't think I will go easy on you because I'm dating your friend." We laughed then the lunch bell rang, and I walked to class wondering where Peter was. He was here yesterday I thought to myself. Then all the sudden I felt someone grab my waist. I looked back and it was Peter he was holding roses. "What's all this", I ask. "2-week anniversary", he told me. I laughed, "your so cheesy!" "Got to make it believable, "he whispered in my ear. I took the roses and put them in my locker. We walked to Math and Peter got called out for staring at me and not paying attention. "It is Friday can you wait till school is out before you swoon over your girlfriend Mr. Parker?", the teacher said in an upset voice. Peter nodded. He must be really committed if he took is as far as getting in trouble. I always thought peter was a good kid, never got in trouble and always got good grades and shit. All I could think about for the rest of the day was how Peter and I were going to the movies together and then going to the restaurant that MJ always went to on Fridays. It was 6:37 p.m., Peter is late he was supposed to pick me up at 6:30 for our "date". The doorbell rang and Peter was standing there a tad bit out of breath.

***Peter's POV***

I was running late so I swung to her house which takes a lot of energy out of me. I was dressed in a suit and y/n was in a puffy red dress. I look at her astonished eyes wide open. She told me, "You may want to pick your jaw off of the ground." We laughed and started walking to the restaurant. Once we are seated, we started looking for MJ. We saw her sitting in a corner with Brad. "You know what", y/n said, "you want to go somewhere else? OH, maybe a party. My friend is throwing one in her mansion." "I don't know", I reply. "please", she begged. I agreed and we left for Jennie Land's house. Her house was so lit up with bright white lights. We entered and the was a bar full of Corona Lights. We walked out to the pool deck and sat at a table we saw a few people we know but we decided to not approach them, they were "busy". Someone brought us a whole tray of beers and y/n said, "what the hell," and chugged one. I faked myself drinking one and gave it to someone else. She started getting drunk after her second one, so I started trying to take her out of the house to go home. Then she said "I gotta go." So, she went to the bathroom and came back with to empty beers in her hand. "You did not", I said in a stern voice. "But I did", she said in a tipsy voice. That was a real face palm moment. I picked her up and I walked out of the house. I put her down on the grass and she said, "you're really strong... spider-man", then she started laughing. Wait What. Does she know or is she drunk? She threw up and I held her hair back, "hehehe I really like you", she told me. "I am sure you do, now lets go home." "NO" she yelled, "I wanna stay with you lets go to your house", she said getting up then falling back down into my arms. She smiled and cuddled into my chest. I silently laughed and picked her up once more. I climbed up to her window and opened it. I put her in bed and put the sheets over her. She took my hand and held it close to her. I smiled and started petting with her hair. Once I was sure she was asleep I went back to my house. What a night I thought as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

***Y/n's POV*** ***Time skip***

I woke up feeling like shit my vision was blurry and I felt like I hadn't slept in weeks. I tried to text Peter, but I couldn't type so I called. He said he would be over as soon as possible, so I waited what felt like 2.6 seconds, but I guess it was long he came trough my window and filled me in on what happened last night. He seems relieved that I didn't remember, what is he not telling me? I brushed it off because I still felt like shit. Peter stayed with me all day in bed binge watching outer banks. I felt better by the end of the day. I fell asleep on Peter at 7:27. When I woke up it was 11:08. I felt so much better, so I went down for well... lunch. My dad asked me what I did yesterday, so I told him watched Netflix. I never told him with who though because Peter technically snuck in. Dad didn't think much more of it and went into his office to catch up on some e-mails. I jogged about 2 miles then stopped near the smoothie place as always and ordered a banana and strawberry smoothie. To my surprise MJ was there. What surprised me even more was that she had the nerve to walk up to me and say, "stay away from Peter", and walked away. I stood there in mixed emotions. "Order up", the waiter said, and I grabbed my smoothie then left. I walked home while drinking my smoothie. When I got home, I asked Peter if he could meet me in the park to talk about what just happened. He agreed and in 10 minutes we were on a bench in a park. I told him what happened at the smoothie shop, and it seemed to really upset him. "I am not her boyfriend anymore she can't say that!" "I thought you wanted her back", I said in a sad voice. "Well since I've been hanging out with you I may have changed my mind", he told me. "what", I asked. "I rather be with someone who is willing to sacrifice there time for me. Someone who appreciates me. Someone like you. Y/n L/n will you be my real girlfriend?" I was stunned the reality hit me, "YES YES A THOUSAND TIMES YES!" Peter smiled then kissed me. I kissed him back and we were officially not fake dating.

(Done with this imagine series I would continue but I had no more ideas. Don't forget to vote and comment so more people can see my story. Have a good day/night)

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