Back to Normal

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(The last part!!! it has been so fun writing this and remember you can just comment ideas for imagines or something)

***Peter's POV***

It is back to normal, as far as I know. We are back at school with no questions asked. Our cover up story was that y/n also got an internship with Tony and there was a business trip that we had to go on with him. Everyone believed it and we went on our way. I was picked up by y/n to go to school she drove us in the least fancy car she had, a Mustang. "welp, way to blend in", I said in a sarcastic tone. She playfully punched my arm and said, "it's all I got, and you know that." I nodded and we started to talk about what we think will happen today and how we will act around Flash. Time flew and we were at school. We walked around until the 5-minute bell rang and we went our different ways. My class was quite boring I finished all that I missed yesterday, and I got my work done early. I just sat there and thought about y/n. the bell rang and I walked to 2nd period. The day felt like it went on forever until 4th period when I saw y/nn. She smiled and I smiled back. Once at lunch we gossiped to Ned and MJ about what happened then they pointed at Flash. "I am just happy my life isn't as messed up as his", MJ laughed. y/n agreed, and we went back to our lunch.

***Y/n POV***

Our friend group and I went to lunch and talked about what happened to me and Peter. We also announced that me and Peter are officially (approved by father) dating. It felt so good for other people to know without their life being in danger. Weight lifted off my shoulders. The rest of the day went by fast, unlike the beginning of the day. It was movie night again, and I got to sit next to Peter. We watched Frozen, and my dad made way too many jokes about Thor and Elsa. Then Thor sang to every one of the songs. So, we all joined in. After the movie we watched another one. This one was boring to high schoolers, so Peter and I snuck up to my room and watched some Netflix on my laptop. We snuggled up close and I fell asleep on his shoulder. I woke up to Vison coming through my wall with an airhorn, NOT FUN. Peter wasn't with me, so I got up brushed my hair and went down stairs to see Peter making French toast, my favorite. "You know me so well Spider- boy", I said then winked. He replied, "you know that's not my name, but I'll let it slide", then he winked back and put 6 pieces on the table with whip cream that is in a shape of a heart. I went straight up to him and kissed him on the cheek. He looked so dopy when I pulled away. I casually ate the French toast and went back upstairs to get ready for the day. Since it was Saturday Peter and I had the day to ourselves. the rest of the Avengers went to have a day to themselves. I suggested going to mini golf and Peter said, "only if after we can go get milk shakes." I agreed and we were off. Flash was just leaving so I wanted to trash talk (serves him right). I went up to him and say, "so how was the unmasking", he was about to answer but I cut him off, "oh that's right it didn't happen. Maybe it is because you kidnapped a superhero for a stupid vlog. DUMB ASS!" Before he could reply I walked away and joined arms with Peter. We went to go get our clubs and golf balls, Peter got a red one and I got a pink one. We started putting and after a while I was ahead by 4 puts. Now on hole 13 I got another hole-in-one. Peter yelled, "RIGGED!" I laughed and told him to put. It took him 3 puts to make it in. "Like I said RIGGED", he yelled again. "alright how much am I ahead by", I ask. He rolled his eyes, "6." "You can still win", I said encouragingly. He agreed which seemed forced. I started to not try but it still didn't work I won by 4. Wow Peter really sucks at Put-Put. After we went for milk shakes. Peter shouted, "WINNER PAYS". Now everyone was looking at us. "alright", I started, "just keep your voice down. Oh, and way to change the rules." He smiled and we walked to Sydney's Milkshake's. I got an Oreo milkshake and Peter got a strawberry one.

***Peter's POV***

After milkshakes we went back to Avengers HQ and got our bikes, we biked along the streets we usually do. Her beautiful y/c/h hair flowing in the wind. We got cold so we went back to watch a movie. We watched "Remember Me", it was really good. It started getting late, so I went home. Aunt May and I went out for Chinese food I had egg rolls and noodles. After we, well didn't pay (apparently it was on the house I think they liked Aunt May). I was in my room writing in my diary about y/n, Dammit I am crazy for her...

{the whole-time y/n and Peter were telling the story to your children}

Sophie=16           Sabastian=16 (twins with Sophie)            Kathrine=15

Sophie- Wow dad you're a player!

Peter- Well Soph, when you find someone you love you can't let her/him pass you by. Your mother was my moonshot.

Kathrine- that's really cute that story was amazing. I hope it happens to me some day, minus all the life-threatening stuff.

Sabastian- Yeah, yeah that's all BULL SHIT no way that happened. You do know that I am 16 I don't need bed time stories.

Y/n- Think what you want to think but it did happen, and hopefully you'll fine someone that loves you as much as I lover your Father.

Peter- I think it is time for you all to go to sleep it is getting late.

Peter and Y/n in unison- goodnight Kitty, goodnight Soph, goodnight Sab. Love you

(OMG it is done! I love you all and thanks for sticking with it. Have an amazing day/night.)

{Don't forget to comment and vote ;) }

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