Search and Rescue

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(It's finally here {Period sis})

***y/n POV***

"I feel the same way. I love you more than you know." "what YOU don't know", Peter started, "is that I still have the scratch and sniff stickers you gave me." "You are such a dork", I snorted. "Says the pig", he commented back. We both burst out laughing Peter always knows how to get me in a good mood. "Aunt May must be worried sick", Peter said kinda ruining the mood. "Remember she thinks you're with my dad for the internship", I told him reassuringly. "oh ya, I forgot", he paused then started again, "when your dad was just sitting on my couch when I first met him as a businessman I was honestly hyperventilating. I was thinking, why was he here, what does he want, why was he kissing Aunt May's ass." I laughed at that last thing Peter said because dad does that a lot. "Then he winked at me and said have you been getting my emails. I said yes knowing your dad always has a trick up his sleeve. Long story short, he came in my room, invaded my privacy, made me fight Cap, and now I am here", Peter said explaining it all. "now you're in a pure white room chained to a seat", I asked trying to sound sarcastic. Peter replied with, "well yes and no, yes I am in a pure white room chained to a chair but, that's not what I meant. I meant now I am here falling in love with a beautiful girl that I am hoping at least likes me back." "Awww spider-boy just told me how he feels", I said in a mocking tone. "you're just like your father", Peter says in reply. "I'm a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist?" "No you stupid, you sound like him with you sarcastic remarks", Peter said in an aggravated voice, "that's one of the things I like about you. You always have a good come back to defend either yourself or your friends."

***Tony's POV***

"Y/n has been missing for 5 days no calls. Even when I tried to call her, no answer. I should invent a faster way to track phones when this whole thing is over.", I said so pissed at myself that y/n was gone. "Don't be so hard on yourself", Wanda started, "what could you have done." "Don't be hard on myself!? My daughter is missing I knew what was going to happen, and I didn't tell her, this is all my fault." "At least Peter is with her, right?" "Wait, he is", I asked. Well, I would think since I over herd him say," let's get some fresh air", Wanda replied. This gave me the best thought in the world. "PETER HAS A TRACKER IN HIS SUIT! I CAN TRACK HIM WHICH WILL LEAD ME TO Y/N." "Brilliant", Wanda replied. I almost fell down sprinting to the lab. While I was running, I said, "F.R.I.D.A.Y. bring up Peter Tracker." "Right away boss." I had just entered the lab to see Thor.

 "Hey, Point Break, thanks for visiting but I need to do something right now." "Ha Ha very funny, I am here to help." "Alright Blondie once I locate y/n and Peter you can help rescue them." "Deal. Oh, also I brought some friends." Thor says, "ever heard of the phrase don't invite yourself over? Well, you invited not just yourself but others." "Yep", Thor replies in a mocking tone, "let's put names to these people. One, Bucky Barnes. Two, Sam Wilson. And Three, I know you won't like this one...Loki Laufeyson." "Loki", I yell, "Why?" "He can help, trust me", Thor said. "Are you sure we can trust him?", "Positive." Thor replied. "Fine, but on one condition... he will not try to kill any of us or random people." "Ok, we can make that happen." Thor said. "Ok so when will they arrive? I can't lose y/n or Peter. We need to find them soon."

***Peter's POV***

I am so worried, what if we don't get out. No, I can't think that way y/n and I will put our heads together and figure out something. Then I heard a sound, not coming from y/n but a sort of cracking sound. Then I saw y/nn out of her chains. "How the hell did you do that", I ask. "I'll never tell", she laughed." Ok well if you won't tell then at least unchain me." "Fine", she smirks. God, I love that smile. Then I heard a dinging sound kind of a ringtone or something but we both didn't have our phone. Then I remembered I had a tracker in my suit, but I thought Tony took that out. Oh well it helps right now so ill be mad later. "what was that", she asks. I told her, "I think it is a tracker in my suit which means we are saved!" "Dear lord I thank you", I hear y/n yell. I started laughing and hugged her. I lifted my mask then hers and all my worries disappeared when I kissed her. We were lost in a moment and I didn't care, it felt amazing. Our lips moved in sync and I didn't want it to end. When we finally pulled away, I knew she didn't want it to end either. Then she said, "I've been waiting for that", then kissed me again. I swear if that stupid "baby monitor" protocol is still on I am going to be so pissed. Yet, All I could think of at this moment was how I wanted to grow old and live my life with y/n Stark. "I love you Spider-boy", she whispers. When I heard that I felt like I could melt away.

 "So, what meal shall we prepare for the Avengers arrival" she asks in a mocking Shakespeare tone. I try to mimic it and say, "well we have lack of ingredients", I laugh. "oh well", she says. "who do you think is coming for us, because no way it is just my dad." "I am guessing", I start, "Wanda, Thor, Steve, Nat, Rhody, and obviously your dad." "That's fair", she told me in her beautiful angle like voice. "So how long do you think it will take for them to get he- ". y/n was cut off by a wall being blasted by Thor hitting it with his hammer. Thor and Tony were followed by Bucky Barnes, anoth guy who I remember from somewhere, and... WAIT IS THAT, no way, he wouldn't, LOKI? Before I could ask there were Flash's goons rushing in and I was lifted off the ground by Bucky who carried me and y/n out of the warehouse. I still can't get over how awesome it would be to have a metal arm. We were put down next to where I found the disguises and buck went back to fight. There was another guy I remember him from the airport fight I can't put my finger on his name, oh well. When Tony is done, I am probably dead along with y/n. {Oh the guy's name is Sam, Sam Wilson A.K.A. Falcon}

***Time Skip (after fighting) ***

***Y/N's POV***

"y/n Stark I cannot believe you and your idiotic actions", dad yelled. "Don't be mad a y/n", Peter said," I was the one that put the idea in her head all she did was agree." I told Peter, "it's no use. I am grounded most likely forever." "I am not mad because the same thing happened to me when I first started as Iron Man. Some crazy psychopath used a tranquilizer dart a put me in a titanium cage." Peter's and I's jaw dropped. "No firkin way", I said not meaning to. "Yep that's why we are going to go back and figure how to stop it." "Hard no", I started, "I am not going back to that dump. WAIT, is Nat and Steve ok?" "They are both fine and if you don't want to go back that's fine, I will do it myself." Dad said in a raised tone, "Just promise you will do what I say next time, ok?"                       "I promise" I said in unison with Peter. We looked at each other and I got lost in those beautiful brown eyes.

( I know it has been a while but I am frikin PROUD. y'all are amazing honestly those views are racking up👉🏻👈🏻. thanks so much, have a good day/night)(Also the very last part is coming out soon but I will take requests for imagines after the end of this story line)

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