Chapter 2~The 2nd Best day of School

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Elliott's POV

'C'mon, get it. You can. the rabbit raced just in front of my nose, my body aching to go just a little faster, sink my teeth into the juicy, pink flesh. Centimeters away, I lunged out and-

'Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.'

I shook my head and flopped my arm across the bed and hit my alarm, making it shut up. I raised my body to a sitting position and looked out the window. It was still dark, yet the sun would be peaking up over the horizon soon. Almost cutting my tongue on them as I ran it along the bottom of my teeth, I closed my eyes and willed my canines to retract. Yawning, I threw the covers off and stood up, stretching my arms out and then scratching my bare chest. I grabbed a clean pair of boxers and went into the bathroom.

As soon as my feet met the hardwood flooring of the living room I was ushered back up. "Ellie, no. You go put on something worthy of the first day of school. And comb your hair." My mother said sternly, and I didn't deny it. I spun around and clomped back up the stairs, passing people coming down for breakfast.

Now what would make mom happy? I thought. I rooted through my drawers and decided on a nice pair of baggy-ish dark-wash jeans, slipped them on and put on a brown leather belt to hold them up, real men don't sag their pants. A relatively tight white v-neck was my top and I brushed my hair foreword, staring at myself in the mirror. My eyes were kind of creepy. 'You ready for this, buddy?' I asked my wolf. I felt him stir in me, but didn't make a motion to speak. "Okay then. Ready it is."

"Better. Thank you." My mother said as she saw me come into the kitchen while she also served the people sitting at the bar eggs and toast. I nodded and went behind the counter and kissed her on the cheek. The toaster popped and I grabbed a piece and dropped it on the butter, let it sit for a couple seconds, then picked it up and stuffed it in my mouth.

"You're disgusting." a voice noted as I walked from the kitchen and into the living room, looking for my jacket. Makenna stood there in a green shirt and tan pants. "Says the one who looks like a frog." I smirked and walked out, purposely bumping into her. She stuck her tongue out at me. 'Wow, she's really going out of her way to be a 16 year old.' My wolf spoke up. 'I know right.'

Twelve wolves got on the bus at this stop. Well, twelve wolves that lived at the pack house, there was a she-wolf that lived at Corner-Properties East, and so she got on here too, along with her three human friends, who always sat two in seat four on the left and two in seat four on the right. Even though this was only their first year in junior high and so first time on this bus, I knew this from elementary school.

We filed on, the 16 of us, Nolan, Alex, Matthew and I getting on last. As I passed seat four, a powerful scent hit me. It smelled amazing, like coconuts. I looked back, it was coming from the left, but the two girls were so squished together that I couldn't tell who it came from. It was either Sofia, the wolf, or her human friend, a caramel blonde. My wolf screamed at me to 'Go back and find out, you idiot!' but Nolan was behind me pushing me foreword. I looked ahead again, trying to focus. But all I could hear was my wolf screaming at me in the back of my mind, 'Mate. Mate. Coconut girl is your mate."


"Did either of you dudes smell something on the bus? It was like fruity, like watermelon." Matthew said while we put or stuff down and sat in the time before first period, we had like 20 minutes till the bell rang.

"Passing seat three or four I smelled something, but it wasn't watermelon. It was like a mango burrito." Alex replied.

"I think that was me with the burrito smell. I let one loose right there." Nolan said, and laughed. But we knew he was serious.

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