Chapter 5~I'm Confused

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Annalise's POV

I came home, ran upstairs to my room, slammed the door and cried.


Because he had stolen my first kiss. Not to mention my heart as well. But still.

I had been first-kiss raped.

By the hottest guy on earth. God, I was in heaven when he kissed me. I kissed back and-

Okay, Lise. Get it under control.

But it was so HOT.

I'm talking to myself.

Am I going insane?

He drove me insane with that kiss. I want to be back in his arms....

They say its only a real problem when you start answering yourself. So I'm okay.

Well you know what?




Ya. We, or I, was insane. How do you refer to multiple people who are the same person? Them? Her? I? We?

Butterflies in my tummy. I think about him.

I had barely caught the bus. When I got on I sat next to Sofia and we talked, they asked what had happened and I told them that we had just talked.

But now I was calming down. Enough to think. I just wanted to think. Why would a ninth grader pull a seventh grader behind the school and make out with her?

Maybe it was a dare. No, it was too spontaneous and passionate to be a dare. I could feel it in his kiss and hear it in his voice. Plus when e pressed up against me I could feel how happy he was. He is so sexy. But I just met him today. About an hour before we kissed we were complete strangers. And we still are. But I'd really like to change that. And what about that other guy who was staring at me? He didn't even matter anymore, though. I saw that through P.E. he had eyes for Sofia. Maybe that's what would happen with him!


That's a nice name. It fit him. Everything fit him. I fit him.

Staying up late, I finished three movies, Skyfall, Marley & Me, and Star Trek, a box of chocolates and four bags of popcorn. I eat when I'm nervous. Or hungry.

I made my way up to my room, and when I got there I went and sat on my window seat. The night sky was gorgeous, the moon was low in the sky, but there was a gap in the trees where I could see it. My alarm clock read 11:36 pm, and I glanced once more outside. In the corner of my eyes a saw something small and white dart into the woods on the forest floor. When I put my full attention on it, there was nothing. 'Oh don't you love it when you get so sugar-high and tired that you start imagining things?' I asked myself, and plopped on my bed, not even bothering to put on pajamas or get under the covers. I crashed.


The bus was just awkward. We had to stand there for half an hour as the bus was late, and we were all crammed into the little shed as it was raining, and, just my luck, I was squished up against him. We kept stealing glances at the same time, our eyes awkwardly meeting. The bus came and we got on, and when he got on he was looking at me the whole time. I could feel his gaze on the back of my head.

When we arrived at school, he called out for me, and I kept walking, pretending not to hear. When he kept it up and then grabbed my shoulder, I finally turned around.

"Yes?" I asked smugly, then added, "And no kissing, please."

He smiled, and said he wasn't planning on kissing me. " I was wondering something else..." He paused.

"Yes? Continue, I have a class I need to get to." I stated.

"Class doesn't start for like 20 minutes." He said.

"None the less." I replied. He shrugged.

"I was wondering if um, you maybe wanted to go out with me? Will you be my girlfriend, Annalise."

I thought, and decided to be a smart-alic. "Yes, I do want to go out with you. Who wouldn't" His smile lit up the room, it seemed. Now I felt bad about what I was going to say. I sighed. "Will I be your girlfriend? No. A little late for that, but too soon. You're a ninth grader, I'm a seventh grader, and it's just setting me up for disaster. Maybe you like me now, which I doubt, I'm pretty sure this is a dare, but in two weeks you'll be off with another girl. And I can't loose another man in my life now, if I did, I don't know what I'd do. I'm sorry, try again in a couple of months. It's the third day of school. Try someone your own size, you couldn't be rejected by them." I had so many waves of regret in my head and I turned and walked away from his depressed face.

I could tell that something happened by the way he wasn't in sixth. Then I just felt BAD.

"What if it was me? What if he killed himself? I feel so baaaaad," I whined to Sofia on the bus.

"Dude it's the third day of school. He should know better." Brook said from across the isle.

"But we k-we talked yesterday and I really like him," I replied. They looked at each other, Sofie, Brook, and Momo.

"You kissed!" they all exclaimed. I nodded. They just stared at me, and Brook dropped her jaw.

"He's in NINTH grade," Morgan stated.

"Thank you captain obvious." I said. She shrugged. "And I think that other kid, the tallest one with brown hair likes Sofia," I whispered.

"What?" She said softly. She got a dreamy look in her eyes.

"Oooooh, Sofie likes him." Brook giggled.

"Crushes!" Momo exclaimed.

"That Alex dude is like really hot. Remember, from swim?" Brook said, and directed her question at Morgan.

"You've seen your crush in a swimsuit!" Sofia laughed.

"Ya, I do." Morgan replied to Brooks question.

"Too bad today's Friday. The first weekend! A really short week and I'm tired already. But I'm going to miss seeing them!" Morgan said, exited.

It didn't seem right. In two days I had met a random guy two years older than myself, made out with him and he'd asked me out. That just seemed weird. Plus he came up weird on my Heat Range, he was literally hotter than a normal person. Sofia came up like that, but it wasn't my normal vision, so I don't know how many people were like that. I felt worse now then I really ever had about the situation, like literally I was sick. My body ached for him, my mind raced at the thought.


Teehee! He asked her out!! Do you think she should've slapped him, or do you think her reaction was enough!?!? And what's this 'Heat Range'??? My goodness, things are heating up!!

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