Let's break up.

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Chapter 1

"Where are you?"

"I'm in the park. Why?"

Taehyung asks his boyfriend , after a long silence he speak .

"Wait there I'm coming." Jeongguk said firmly .

" are you near to the park bunny?" Taehyung ask excitedly. Jeongguk only hum in response.

After waiting for few minutes  Taehyung get a little glimpse of his boyfriend, the blonde hair boy ran to his boyfriend and wraps his arms around his muscular body .

"I can't believe you came here to meet with me." Taehyung smiles at Jeongguk.

"B- Taehyung what am I to you?" Jeongguk ask , the blonde hair boy tilts his head "you are my boyfriend bunny." Taehyung answer with a duh tone. The blonde hair boy is kinda confuse by his boyfriend sudden behaviour and the way he called him Taehyung cause Jeongguk always calls him Bear not Taehyung.

"Then let's kiss , passionate one hmm?and what about making love. mom and dad is in a business trip we can get the whole house for ourselves. " Jeongguk says to his boyfriend, taking note of his every movement carefully.

The blonde hair boy facial expression change his happy and excited face turns down a little " bunny not now.... I -I'm not ready for this." Taehyung said.

Jeongguk scoff " I love you Taehyung and you love too .. I guess so what stopping us ? Nothing so let's do it ."

"I love you bunny but just a little bit." Taehyung tries to convince him. " one year is not enough for trust me Taehyung?"

Taehyung starts to shake his head vigorously " no no bunny I trust you it just I'm scared you know just a little bit . "

Jeongguk Laugh humourlessly" you know what that's the reason why I hate you more."

Taehyung frowns feeling hurt hearing hate from his boyfriend mouth. Taehyung about to say something but cut of by Jeongguk " let's break up ." He said, with an emotionless face. The blonde hair boy stands there , froze. It takes minutes for him to understand.

"W-what are you saying Jeongguk? Don't pull silly pranks haha" Taehyung said suddenly felling anxious.

"Taehyung it's not a prank. Let's break up. " Jeongguk said again .

"What no you can't break up with me like that I didn't let you to kiss or making love with me doesn't mean you can break up with me." Taehyung said.

"I can . It's my life my rules .I'm done playing with you Taehyung I'm done and we are over. "

"Wait-bunny please listen no bunny don't . I I - I can't live without you please bunny." Taehyung plead .

"Taehyung . I'm. Done. with. you" Taehyung tries to hold Jeongguk hands the black hair boy yanks his hand and walk away.

Taehyung is standing there like a statue. His grips lose from his phone, his legs are in a edge of giving up. Taehyung slowly sits on the dusty ground.

Fresh tears forms in his round eyes threatens to fall anytime. The blonde hair boy is breathing heavily felling suffocating all of a sudden.

All of a sudden his love his bunny told him they are over why ,everything happened so fast Taehyung couldn't even get a chance to say something properly.

Was it all fake ,one years of relationship was nothing to him ,Taehyung's love was not enough for him , did he really meant he only played with Taehyung like a toy?

Taehyung clenches his fist ,trying to take deep breath and calm down himself but fails eventually.

He fails to hold is emotion he cried, let out broken sobs, his heart was screaming he wants to go Jeongguk house and ask him why why ? But was he in this state to ask something.

To be continued

Thanks for reading. It is the first chapter Please vote if you like it. 💜💚

I changed the story a little bit, ignore mistakes.

[ this book is fully my own imagination if story lines matched with any authors story then it's a coincidence.]

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