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Chapter 7

Taehyung is sitting inside the cab looking outside, the city is glorious which making sparkle in Taehyung dark brown orbs.

Taehyung is not crying and he will never cry. He will never waste is tears for some useless man like Jeongguk. He will never. Jeongguk is not worth of his tears.

The cab stops after paying Taehyung get down and go inside his house.

The younger see his parents are chatting while drinking night protein shake . "You come back early son." Mr. Kim speaks Taehyung halt his movements as he hears his father voice.

"Don't like to be there. " Taehyung answers truly. Mr. Kim smiles satisfies with his sons reply.

He is happy with his son ,he know he is not spoiled as other kid in his age though they are rich. Mr. Kim gave Taehyung the wish every kid wants, freedom. He know Taehyung will never use this opportunity in a bad way. He believes in Taehyung.

And Mr. Kim is right Taehyung never disappoints them.

"Baby sit here with us." Mrs. Kim happily says. Taehyung give his parents a tight lips smile before sitting beside his mom. Mrs. Kim stroke his hairs lovingly. "We never get enough time to chat with you and today we are at home why miss the opportunity?"

"It's ok mommy I know you both are busy person " Taehyung says cutely and hide his face in his mother's chest. Hugs her .

Mr. Kim laughs at his son's cuteness. "Gosh you are still a kid son " 

"He may look like a big boy but still he's my little Taetae. "  Taehyung smile he already forget about earlier after letting himself fall in his mom's arms.

"So innocent. " mr. Kim says looking at his son with so much affection and love.

"And I'm scares of it." Mrs. Kim utters ,her tone is full of worries. Taehyung farcical expressions change immediately. "My tae is so soft ,small innocent and fragile easy to break I'm scared what if he gets heartbroken for his soft side. " Yes Taehyung is their only son and only one they gave their all love.

Taehyung sadly smiles I'm already heartbroken ,miserable,sad mommy

"You're worrying about nothing, Yes our tae is soft but strong too." Mr. Kim says while making his hand into fist. Taehyung chuckle "yeah mommy you worrying about nothing. "

"Anyways I'm going to sleep mommy and daddy." He says before standing up. "Your dinner?" Mrs. Kim ask . "Not hungry mommy. "

"But baby eat something at least. "

"Not now."

Suddenly Mr. Kim's phone rings as he excuses himself from living room.

"I'm going upstairs. " Taehyung announce before going upstairs.

The chocolate brown hair male change in a soft and comfy clothes  and lay down on the bed. Taehyung close his eyes but his mind immediately flashes Jeongguk and the girl kiss.

He open his eyes, starting to breathing heavily crystal clear drops form in his eyes.

The younger wants to cry badly want to scream wants to yell and let his all pain out  but he can't he can't do anything  yes, his hyungs support him but he can't give them anymore worries about him Baekhyun did enough for him.

Sometimes he thinks is Jeongguk feeling the pain the way he feels every day every minute?

Ha! Why would Jeongguk feel the pain it's not like he is still so called love with Taehyung he already moved on he have a girlfriend .

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