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Chapter 2

"Hyung you are late." Taehyung said to Baekhyun while hands on his hips. The gray hair male smiles sheepishly before answering "I was busy Tae."

"Busy ? Doing what?" He inquire . The gray hair male cough " umm ... you know Chanyeol how stubborn he is when it's come to let me go ... so I have convince him." Baekhyun pout. The chocolate brown hair male sighed. "Sowry " he apologizes cutely. The younger male chuckles how could he deny this cute apology "apologies accepted." Taehyung said as he raises his hand dramatically. Both of them break into a silly laughter.

"Now let's go and enjoy the sunset,the reason why you called me." Baekhyun said. Taehyung nods"you know Hyung I was bored so I thought why not go and enjoy the sunset view but I realized I'm alone so I called you." Taehyung explains . "It's okay Tae don't have to explain." The older male said with a smile.

"Hyung!!!" Taehyung exclaims loudly the gray hair male flinches"what?"

"Let's have a race who will reach there first." Taehyung suggests whilst pointing to the spot from the wooden bridge.

" Taehyung suggests whilst pointing to the spot from the wooden bridge

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Baekhyun smirks"okay!"

They both starts to run as fast as they could. After a while Taehyung reaches first and looks back showing Baekhyun a cute funny victory dance which didn't fail to made the panting gray hair male to laugh .

"I'm the winner I'm the winner ~" the chocolate brown hair male sing and sits down Baekhyun fakes a sad and grumpy face but nonetheless sits beside him. Both of them are now sitting in silence looking at the beautiful view front of them . The colour of sky was beautiful bloody red around the clamming yellow sun dark shade of orange ,clouds are also looking orange.

"Hyung I'm sorry." Taehyung says out of blue Baekhyun knits his eyebrows and looks at Taehyung with a questionable face. "For?"

"For disturbing you and chanyeol Hyungi I know for me you have to leave him and this time you both would probably cuddle if I didn't called you. I made you both life harder sometimes I feel like I'm a obstacle between you two." Taehyung confesses . "Who said you are a obstacle between us?Chanyeol?"

Taehyung immediately shakes his head "no no ! It just me I mean I know. You just don't want to make me feel bad that's why you spend time with me but Hyung please don't leave me please." The chocolate brown haired male pleads feeling insecure all of a sudden .

"Shh shh Tae look at me I will never leave you I will never." Baekhyun tries to calm him down. " I will never leave you like that bastard and about obstacle you are not obstacle between us we love to take care of you like our brother. " baekhyun says as he placed a soft kiss on his cheeks.

Baekhyun came in Taehyung life like an angle like god sent him for Taehyung. Three years ago Baekyun found Taehyung in the park crying .

The day when Jeongguk broke up with him . He was crying while sitting on the dusty ground but Baekhyun approached him tried to talk with him and tried to make him stop crying. The older male asked him his address but Taehyung was not in a state of answering so he took Taehyung to his home.

Taehyung didn't know why but that day he needed someone to comfort him , nobody was beside him only the stranger male. The way he took Taehyung his home made sure Taehyung was not crying anymore it made Taehyung feel like he knew the strange for a long time and it made him to shear what happened to why he was crying. He let out his pain in Baekhyun arm.

To be continued

So this is how Baekhyun and Taehyung meet
Ignore mistakes and show some love 💜💚

So this is how Baekhyun and Taehyung meet Ignore mistakes and show some love 💜💚

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Kim Taehyung

Byun Baekhyun

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Byun Baekhyun.

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