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Chapter 4

Jeongguk pov

I enter into the cafeteria with my hyungs, girls and some of boys starts to whisper and lightly shouting. Same shit as always those fucking students never stop thats.

I eyes first lay on Taehyung. Who is laughing and enjoying his lunch with his friends. What a bitch! I hate it ! I hate it ! When I see him happy , he never deserves a happy the thing he deserves is pain sadness and nothing.

I looks away without even caught by someone. We sits on our usual seats . Second later Hoseok hyung suddenly brings that bitch . Why they care about him so much ?

Ha! Well I think I know it. Kim Taehyung's duality he is a fucking two face bitch. This angelic face can make anyone feel for him or create a soft corner for him. His those big innocent eyes can make anyone wrapped around his fingers.

But people don't know behind this angelic mask he has a dark side a real Kim Taehyung under the smiling mask. How can he is so good at acting? Acting all good in front of others.

He ruined my life , made me to not believe in love anymore. I loved him so much  he was my everything. My first love . Guess what first love never stay for forever.

I never proposed someone in my life , being popular always made other to come for me. I felt proud when others proposed me But in my life ,when I first glanced at Taehyung a small fragile figure with soft blonde locks walking into the hallway. The light from behind made his figure more stunning. Never I saw someone like him in my whole life.

First time my heart beat wildly inside my chest, breath hitched. My heart went wild when that angle passed beside me I could smell the jasmine flowers smell as he passed beautiful it was the only thing came out from my mouth like a whisper.

For the first time I fall in love . Love at first sight. I never thought this angle would effect my life badly.

When ever i close my eyes I only saw his smile an unique smile and fluffy blonde locks lastly his tan skin . Everything made me went crazy.

He was friendly sweetheart and soft person it was not hard for me to friend with him the other thing attracted me was his behaviour. A child inside a boy body an innocent child.

My and his house was not far from each other we offend went home together I got a chance to know alot about him.

After five months of our friendship I finally asked him to be my boyfriend at the park which was close to our house. I was scared if he accept me but in my surprise he did . I was the happiest person in the world I felt like I won a big war.

I love and trusted Taehyung with my everything . I never complained or tried to go against his will I know anyone will call me a fool for this but I loved him I have do everything for him to make him happy.

My and Taehyung's relationship was well but only one thing was always between us . Distance. When ever I tried to get close to him he always moved away. We never shared more than peck if I tried to take our relationship on the next level he stopped me saying I'm not ready bunny and I stops what I was trying to do. I respect his decision.

I patiently waited-But I'm a man and I have needs after few month I again tried and he pushed me away again. I gave him time again I hoped if I tried it a year later he would never push me away .

My hopes my dreams everything crushed in one night when I saw my own boyfriend kissing someone else .

My heart dropped into my stomach blood runs cold. It felt like thunderstorm fall on me . I thought it was not Taehyung or I tried to convince myself it was not Taehyung. Guess I came out wrong it was Taehyung with Kim Minjae.

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