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Chapter 9

Taehyung is looking at himself through the mirror. In few minutes Jeon family will come in there. His mother suggests him to dress prettily. But Taehyung is not feeling like that. He don't want to get dressed he is okay the way he is ,it's not like Jeongguk never saw him.

But nonetheless he dressed up ,don't want to make his mommy and daddy sad. Cause his mom is looking so excited for his marriage the way she mentioned about their marriage.

He looks at himself and sighs. He is not feeling so happy for this marriage and know Jeongguk is also not happy for this marriage. It's just a force marriage for Jeongguk.

"Baby" Mrs. Kim gasps "you are looking so pretty. " she says and touch Taehyungs cheeks.

Mrs. Kim frown, Taehyung is looking pretty but his eyes ,those are looking so tired and not sparkle like before. It's like everything is complete yet something is missing.

Taehyung smile but the smile doesn't reach to his ear. Not his previous smile he gave to her.

"Baby?" Mrs. Kim worriedly says "what happened? Are you okay?" Mrs. Kim ask, Taehyung immediately shake his head "mommy ! Why are you saying this?" Taehyung questions back . Mrs. Kim opens her mouth to say something but "I'm okay! As long as you both happy I'm happy ."

"Baby if you don't want this marriage we can stop- "

"No mommy I'm okay with it please don't question more." Taehyung dramatically pout to lit up the mood and Mrs. Kim chuckles.




"You know honey, Taehyung is so pretty like wow." Mr. Jeon says to her wife ,the middle age man is babbling nonstop about the younger from start of the ride and Mrs. Jeon is listening all about that.
"I know Jeongguk will love him." Mr. Jeon says with confidence.

Jeongguk chuckle dryly. "Me?! "

"C'mon Mom and dad I would never marry someone rather than marrying that bitch."

"Jeongguk! He is your future husband, respect him. How can you call someone bitch you never meet."

"He is in my college and I know that bitch really well." Mr. Jeon is about to raise his hand but Mrs. Jeon stop him. "I Actually give birth of a mannerless like you."

Jeongguk grip the steering wheel tightly and clenched his jaw.




When they arrive a maid opens the door. "Welcome! Jeon " Mr. Kim says and hug Mr. Jeon. And the two women greet each other with a warm smile.

"My son Jeongguk." Mrs. Kim says ,Jeongguk bow respectfully. The kim couple smile at him "hello dear." Mrs. Kim says "nice to see you Jeongguk. " mr. Kim says after.

They all settle in living room. Jeongguk sit beside his parents and the Kim couple sit on other couch.

"Where is Taehyung?" Mrs. Jeon ask as they sit, her eyes are showing excitement and bright with smile. Mr. Jeon chuckle "actually she is impatient from the last night." He said and Mrs. Kim smile "wait I'm calling him."

"Taehyung! Baby come down please. " she sweetly calls her son few seconds of waiting Taehyung come.

Everyone's eyes on him , an angel is walking down . His face is blank and pale.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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