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Chapter 5

Taehyung is walking to the rooftop, the boy is not in mood to join class after seeing what happened in cafeteria.

After three years Jeongguk still have an effect on Taehyung. What happened in cafeteria is something not new for him. It is more than a year Nina and Jeongguk is together.

At first Taehyung didn't took it normally he was angry at  Jeongguk he never liked Nina's and his Jeongguk relationship.

That night Taehyung tried to contact Jeongguk but the boy never let Taehyung to talk with him . He always ignored him . Never tried to listen Taehyung explaining. Jeongguk  believe Taehyung would make another lie for him. Jeongguk can't stand lies.

"Taetae!" Someone call from behind, the boy stops and turn "Minjae?"

"Where are you going huh?" Minjae asks , tries to catch his breath. " rooftop, don't wanna join class." Taehyung replies. Minjae know Taehyung is sad because of Jeongguk cause when ever the boy go to rooftop it's because of Jeongguk.

"Can I join you?" Minjae asks "no Minjae I want to be alone for some time." Taehyung refuses him . "Please?" He requests. The chocolate brown hair boy sigh "okay" he replies. Minjae smiles.




Cold breeze is hitting their bodies, making the small figure to close his eyes. There is a silent Minjae is looking down to the garden beside school,laugh when see a two student kissing.

He turns to Taehyung with smiley face but his smile fall when he see the younger space out. He sigh and calls his name"Taetae?".


"Taetae!" He kinda Shouth, Taehyung flinch but manage to speak "y-yes?"

"What are you thinking?" Minjae asks softly. "Me? Nothing-just nothing." Taehyung answer. His eyes is clearly showing sorrows. Minjae sadly smile and places his hand over Taehyung's. "still thinking about him?"

"No" he lies and chuckles trying to sounds good. "You know Taetae you are a bad liar"

Taehyung hate it , he doesn't like to show his pain to others yet others can see his pain and read him like a open book.

"I know you're still thinking about him but don't he don't deserve you and your precious time . He just continuously giving you pain! If he ever loved you he would never do that." Minjae says as he squeeze Taehyung hand lightly.

Taehyung keep his mouth shut he knows if he tries to talk it will come out into a broken sob . His vision is getting blurry due to tears, the boy blinks several times to get rid of his tears.

Taehyung clear his throat " I know but it's hurt it's so much here." Taehyung points to his heart. "Every time I tries to avoid him I try to leave the place soon but I can't we are in the same college, every day seeing him with other makes my slowly healing wounds bleed again." Taehyung sobs.

"Taetae..." Minjae sadly whisper . He slowly takes the crying boy into his embrace, stroking his back. "Don't be sad..hmm I'm here, we all are here for you and please don't cry anymore I can't see you like this Taetae." Minjae says and rubbed his nose with Taehyung's ones, softly. Showing affection by that.

At the same time rooftop door opens makes both of them startle they look at the doorway and meet with a pair of dark black eyes. Which void any emotion.

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