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Chapter 8

"What !" The raven hair male exclaim,looking at his father with shock.

"You heard it, Kim Taehyung my friend and business partners one and only son. " Jeongguk is completely shock not even any single word coming from his mouth. Kim Taehyung the person he hate most going to his soon to be husband. It can't happen. Never.

Jeongguk agreed with this marriage first just for his mother but hearing his name make him to back away. "I will not marry him ." The raven said firmly. " You will marry Kim Taehyung no matter what." Mr. Jeon announces his voice holds authority.

Jeongguk clenches his jaw , glare at his father with so much rage. They turn back walking towards to the stairs and stop "I will marry him" Mrs and Mr Jeon smile "but he will never going to get the love from his husband." Jeongguk finish his sentence and strums to his room.

Mrs Jeon stares at her husband with worries "do you heard him he will not love the guy." Mrs Jeon shakes her husband arm , Mr Jeon smile "he said it but believe me if he meet Taehyung for once he will fall in love . I saw the guy he looks so beautiful, calming, charming his eyes holds innocent and respect for others."

" You are saying like you saw him ever !" Mrs Jeon roll his eyes "i saw him I saw how gentle he is . The way he talked with Mrs Kim was something different how lovely their relationship with each family members, which kinda made me jealous." Mr jeon sighs . "He never met me but when he saw me he immediately bowed, how culture the boy is." Mrs Jeon smile now she get impatient to met the younger.

"And I can feel that he will change our Jeongguk." Mr Jeon is enough old to understand people and looking at Taehyung any one can say how the little male is. Mrs jeon sadly smile "I hope so."

"But honey who did you find out um our Baby is bi?"

Mr Jeon chuckles "i saw him kiss a boy in the middle of park at night." Mrs Jeon gasp "you nasty old man! How could you see your son kissing someone " Mr Jeon panic "well it was three or four years ago not now beside it was cute."

"I should be with you at that time."  Mrs Jeon pout but smile afterwards. Mr Jeon looks at his wife smile, fondly.




Taehyung is shock no word coming from his mouth. He is speechless Jeongguk? Jeon Jeongguk his love ? The person he loved and trusted most. His bunny? Will  be his husband. Taehyung knows he should feel happy that he will marry his love of life but he's not feeling happy , happiness not coming from inside this kind of marriage he never wanted.

"Oh." Only this small word escape from his mouth and he heads to his room.

Taehyung will never going to complain his father why jeongguk ? They did enough for him form his childhood he is great full to his parents. They never wanted anything from him never asked him anything but for the first time looking into his father face make him think they badly wanted it. So he agreed for them.

"Son , they will come tomorrow so be prepared."

Taehyung nods.




Jeongguk throw everything from his table to floor, fuming in anger. He is going to marry Taehyung , a cheater. The ravenette punch on the wall , trying to control over his anger. The person he hate most will be his husband, a bond where both will tie together.

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