He changed

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Chapter 3

"Yah you bitch give me my phone back!" the chocolate brown hair boy yells as he runs behind Jackson . One of his closest friend.

Jackson is running and shows Taehyung a evil smirk but soon his evil smirk fades as Taehyung catches him by the back of his shirt ."let me just read the text !" Jackson demands. "No! It's my phone and I will read it first!" Taehyung says trying to take his phone from older.

"Wait! I'm your hyung so let me see who's this asshole."

"No first let me see and why you calling him asshole what he just wants some notes?" The chocolate brown hair boy asks.

The other four boys just stares at them laughing at their cuteness. They are always same Jackson is a bit too much protective over Taehyung well so dose the other members.

"Yah you both stop fighting! Wangie give Taehyung his phone back." Mark ordered.

A boy of their collage send Taehyung a message , when Jackson heard the ding sound he immediately snatched Taehyung's phone from him.

Jackson give Taehyung his phone back "now tell me what he text?"

"See I told you it's just for notes!" Taehyung exclaim and rolls his eyes "you are just being overprotective."

"But you know why Tae." Baekhyun says. The chocolate brown hair immediately drops ,seeing his mood Minjae speaks "we are going to late for class let go Taetae."

Taehyung nods waves his hand to others before going with Minjae. The others do the same.

Minjae and Taehyung are in the fast year Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Mark and Jackson are in the last year.




"You all sit I'm going to buy foods ." Minjae says as he walks towards the food counter.

"Today's biology class was suck ." Chanyeol says as he lays his head on the table. "But I enjoyed it." The gray hair boy grins "it because its your favourite subject."

"To be honest I hate physic it's hard as fuck !" Jackson exclaims "I can't even remember the laws."

Taehyung and Mark chuckles how they complaining about subjects.

"Well I love all of them."

"It's because you are Taehyung!" They all exclaims at the same time.

Girls starts whispering and lowly screaming some boys are doing the same . Cafeteria door opens reveals six handsome looking guys , they walks in .

One of them teasingly winks at a girl and earns a smack from the other.

"Ouch hyung!" Jimin winch in pain . "Why are you flirting with girls when you already have a boyfriend?" Jin asks, done with Jimin. The short boy rolled his eyes "why do you have problems when my boyfriend don't have any problems?" Jimin sasses . "Jimin it's not about my problem it's about the girl, who probably think that she have a chance with you." The older of them explains , earning a eyes roll from Jimin. "Nobody is like you jin hyung, this days girls and boys are faster than anything, they are really cunning so they can understand I only flirted with her." Jimin says.

The members know how is Jin's personality the older is a soft hearted person, people can easily make him fool with their fake tears. But sometimes he snaps too.

They all sits in their seats ignoring the girls and boys around them.

"I'm going to buy foods for us." Namjoon says as he stand up from his seat.

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