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Chapter 6

Taehyung and Minjae are now infront of the college. "I will drop you Taetae. " Minjae says and is about to open his car but stops when the chocolate brown hair boy speaks. "You don't have to Minjae." Taehyung refuses his offer politely.

"C'mon Taetae it's okay I can give you a ride. " Minjae says. "I know you can but you don't have to and my house is near I can walk, you can go." Minjae let out a sigh don't wants to leave the younger "Okay but take care." He says slowly cares his cheeks. Taehyung smile and nods.




Jeongguk is looking at them with so much hatred and envy. He hand curls into a fist with anger he punches the wall beside him.

His hand is hurting much but not more than the pain inside his chest .

The raven hair male is  breathing heavily after this hard punch his anger don't even vanish.

Jeongguk wants to punch himself he wants to destroy everything just to vanish his anger, he hate the fact that he still cares about Taehyung and whom he with. Hate to think Taehyung still effect him.




Taehyung is walking his mind is still fix on Jeongguk. Today his eyes twice meet with the elder ones.

Those pair of dark black eyes were always hold love,softness and care for him but not it turns emotionless firm and more scary. Which now scares him the most.

Taehyung stop when he see the park ,a small smile forms on his flawless face as he slowly makes his way to the park. The park is now empty but soon going to fill up with kids.

Taehyung remember the moment ,he and Jeongguk always came into the park before the kids came they sit on the swing talking about random things but Taehyung ended up always getting flustered by Jeongguk.

The boy always complimented him ,praising him and many more.

Taehyung throat feel dry thinking about the past memories bring pain for him. He quickly gets out of the park and starts walk towards his house.

The chocolate brown hair male reaches to his house and went straight to his room.

Taehyungs room is so beautiful , soft plushies are on the bed with pillows, a medium sized table where he can study , a dressing table and a big ass closet. the wall of his room is decorated with baby blue and white colour . A wall was full of his photos with his parents friends and cousins. Years ago this same wall was decorated with his and jeongguk's memories now all gone.

The younger put all photos of his and Jeongguk now in closet ,didn't dared to throw them away.

Taehyung throws himself on the soft metres and close his eyes, tired.

It's already evening the younger gets up and going to take a quick shower.

After some time he came out from the bathroom wearing nothing but only a big black shirt covering till his mid thigh. He opens his closet and takes a white sweatpant and wears it , comb his fluffy chocolate brown locks ,use some face cream and lip balm for his pinkish lips.

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