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Being a university student is one of the hardest things, especially when you havent seen youre best friend since they moved away to become the rockstar they are. I have had a persistant cough for a week now and my two housemates/best friends, Juhi and Kristal, had dragged me down to the pub thinking it could help me. I sat clutching my pint of Guinnes thinking too much about David. Ive never had a boyfriend but ive always had a crush on David since the day we met. I sat with my coat wrapped around me to keep me warm. A cold breeze drifted round me to indicate someone had entered.

"Milly you okay?" Juhi asked as i looked to the guy at the door

"I might head back, you two stay as long as you want" I replied standing up

I plcaed some money on the table before heading to the door, towards the guy stood there. He had golden blonde hair that flopped down covering his face. From what i could see his eyes were two different colours and he had a promonant bone structure. He looked so perfect as he looked to me.

"Milly" he muttered, his british accent so pure

"David" I said a little in awe of him

I glanced back to my friends who were now looking at me, i knew i would have to do some explaining later.

"Can we go outside?" I asked

"Sure" David replied opening the door so i could step through

We stopped outside into the cold breeze. I pulled the jacket closer as i began to feel light headed.

"Mil you okay?" David asked putting his arm around my waist

"Im okay" I replied coughing

David pulled me close to keep me warm.

"Lets get you home" David said

I clutched tight onto him as we walked down the road. I had to try and give him the directions of how to get home while i forced myself not to pass out.

"Ive got you" David comforted

I didnt say anything as we reached the house. David pulled the keys out of my pocket and unlocked the door. He helped me inside and to the sofa.

"Milly do you want a drink?" David asked

"A coffee" I replied grabbing the duvet from the back of the sofa

David rushed off into the kitchen to make a coffee. I heard a crash indicating he had knocked something on the floor.

"David you okay?" I asked

"Yeah im fine, just the lid for the coffee cup" David replied

I sunk into the sofa as David soon returned with the coffee. He placed it on the coffee table before taking a seat next to me. He wrapped me in a hug and held me close. I missed these hugs, they were so warming and comforting.

"I missed you David" I said

David didnt say anything as he held me closer.

"I missed you too" he muttered but i just caught what he said

Then the front door slammed open but neither of us moved. Juhi and Kristal stormed into the room looking angry and fed up.

"Why didnt you tell us you knew Bowie?" Kristal asked

"I forgot, i havent seen him in ages" I weakly replied clutching tighter onto David

The two sat down on the coffee table wanting to know more. I reached out to grab the coffee but Juhi handed it to me.

"We want to know more" Juhi demanded

"Weve been friends since forever and i left for my rockstar life, the one thing ive never regretted more. Me and Milly have always been there for each other but weve never dated" David
explained as i sipped the coffee

The two seemed mesmirized as there mouths dropped open.

"Im gonna go to bed" I said sitting up

"Let me help you" David said standing up

He pulled me up and slowly headed towards the stairs. We reached my room and closed the door before i practically passed out. I felt David lay me down on the bed before taking my shoes off. He then took his shoes off before clambering onto the bed. I began to come round as he pulled me close.

"Youre okay" David comforted stroking my hair

"David i want to tell you something" I said

"Go on" David urged

"I love you" I replied

There i said it, he now knows. David froze in mid movement of stroking my hair. His hand then fell down to his chest. He then sat up causing me to do the same. We looked deeply into each others eyes. He leaned towards me but as our lips were about to meet he clambered off the bed.

"David you okay?" I asked

"Im engaged" David replied

My heart physically broke. At any moment i thought i was going to die. I couldnt be true, he cant be with another woman. David walked over to the window and looked out of it. I clambered over to the other side of the bed as i noticed a tear drop down Davids cheek.

"David im sorry, im so sorry. I shouldnt have said anything" I said

"Dont apoligised. I only found another woman because i didnt think i would find you again. I love you dearly, more then anyone or anything in the world but i dont know what to do" David said turning to face me

"Bowie someones on the phone for you" Kristal shouted up

"Just sleep and get some rest" David advised me before heading to the door

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