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The wedding had been moved to March but unfortunately i couldnt fit into my wedding dress. My mum kept trying to do it up but it just made me not be able to breath.

"Mum please" I begged

"But you dont fit in" my mum replied

"That might be bacause im 3 months pregnant" I shouted dropping to my knees

My mum managed to find a way to do the dress up after altering it slightly. My mum put on my veil and gave me the flowers before telling me i was ready. I wish David would hurry up with his freaking plan.

Most girls cant wait for their wedding day but i can, this isnt what i planned. I was walking down the isle to Life On Mars? but i dont want any of it. This isnt how i planned my wedding, i planned on marrying David instead.

My mum made final finishing touches before we left for the wedding. I made sure i was wearing Davids engagement ring instead of Owens as Davids means more to me. We got to the car but it wasnt much of a drive to the church. When we got there my dad was waiting outside for us. He dressed overly smart for my wedding to a stupid boy.

We began walking into the church but i didnt notice David anywhere, or James, i did notice Juhi and kristal with big smiles on their faces. I casually walked down the isle, giving the girls a glare. I knew they knew something i didnt but i didnt want to know. I stood at the alter and looked at Owen, my stomach doing flips. He went to grab my hands but i just put them on my small baby bump.

"Dealry beloved we are gathered her today to celebrate the marriage of these two people" the vicar said

I recognised the vicars accent slightly, and then i realised. It was Freddie Mercury. He was clearly drunk as he swayed from side to side and slurred his words.

"Blah blah blah, vows?" Freddie suggested

"No just move on" Owen urge not taking his eyes off me

"Do you Owen Will..." Freddie began before the door slammed open

I looked to see David stood there in a tux, hair slicked back and his eyes more stunning then ever.

"Whats he doing here?" Owen asked

"Im here to marry my bride" David replied pushing Owen out of the way

David looked to Freddie who clearly knew what was going on.

"Do you David..." Freddie hesitated not knowing if to use Bowie or Jones

"Bowie" David whispered

"...Bowie take this woman to be youre lawful wedded wife?" Freddie asked

"I do" David replied taking hold of my hands

"Do you Amelia Darren take this man to be youre lawful wedded husband?" Freddie asked

"I do" I replied

"Rings please" Freddie ordered

Jade stepped forward with two rings. They both looked beautiful and clearly were picked out by David. We both put them on each others fingers before waiting for Freddies next instructions. He had clearly forgotten he was meant to say something as there was a pause.

"Oh, with the power invested in me i pronounce you man and wife you may kiss the bride" Freddie announced before me and Davids lips met

He wrapped his arms around my waist and held me quite gently to not damage the baby. We then walked back down the isle, hand in hand. When we left the church Owen punched David strait in the face.

"Owen!"I shouted punching him back

"That was my wife" Owen spat at David

"Well shes mine now" David said before pulling me away

We walked away leaving Owen standing there.

"You'll pay for this Bowie" Owen shouted after us

"We'll see about that" David muttered over his shoulder

We got in the car before it set off. We lent over and gently kissed before holding each other close.

"Thank you so much" I said

"Im glad i helped you" David replied wrapping his arm around me

I sunk futher into his grasp. When we arrived at the venue David clambered out of the car before helping me out. I felt so tired and all i wanted was to sleep but i had a whole party to be at.

"If you want to sleep ill take over the party" David said, clearly noticing i was tired

"No its okay" I replied "Ill get through the party"

David wrapped his arm around me as we walked further into the party. I rested my head on Davids shoulder as the band started playing Rebel Rebel. David pulled me towards the dance floor for our first dance. It felt amazing, he was amazing, i couldnt have asked for anything better.

David was just everything and i couldnt wait to have the child with him, he would be a great father and i just knew it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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