Visiting home

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When summer came i had to take my mind off of not seeing David so i went to visit my parents. I hadnt told them about being kicked out as i was trying again in September. I couldnt give in that fast and this University and this course was my dream. The train journey was boring, i spent the whole time writing a song. When the train pulled into the station i grabbed my bag before leaving the train. I rushed off and found my older brother, Jade, stood waiting for me.

"David passed through town a couple of days ago" Jade said in greeting

"Did you go and see him?" I asked

"Yeah me and Will went" Jade replied

Will was Jades best friend who always kept trying to flirt with me.

"I also heard David broke and engagement with a girl" Jade added

"Please stop talking about him" I begged

Jade looked worryingly to me before taking my suitcase off me. I didnt say anything as my hand found its way to Davids number in my pocket. When we arrived at the house i went to call the girls to tell them i had got home safely.

"Hey" the two chorused down the phone

"Hey" I replied "I got here safely"

"Thats amazing. Oh Bowie stopped by and said he needed to ask you something. He didnt say what" Juhi said

"Oh, ill call him and see what he wants" I said

"It seemed urgent" Kristal added

We had a little chat before we hung up. I dialled Davids number and he soon picked up.

"David Bowie speaking" that accent, i couldnt get enough of it

"Hey David" I said

"Hey, how are your parents?" David asked

"There great. The girls told me you wanted to ask me something" I replied

"Oh, i need to ask you in person" David said "Forget about it"

I didn't think much of it as we had a little chat. When i hung up i headed into the kitchen where my brother and parents were sat. I grabbed myself a glass of water before taking a seat.

"How are the girls?" mum asked

"Theyre great" I replied putting the water down

That night i couldnt stop thinking about what David wanted to ask me. I tried to get it out of my brain but i couldnt, it worried me. I ended up getting up and going into the garden. I just stood there not knowing what to do.

"Cant sleep either?" Jade asked coming up behind me

"Jade when you went to see David did you meet him?" I asked turning to face him

Jade shook his head, stepped closer.

"Jade im dating David and he went to my house to find me to ask me something in person. I want to know what it is, im worried about him. He told me he wants to ask it to me in person" I explained

"Am i going to be taking you wedding dress shopping?" Jade taunted

"Shut up, i know David better then anyone and i know he wouldnt do anything that fast" I replied

Jade stepped forward and pulled me into an awkward hug.

"Jade get off you know i hate you hugging me" I said trying to push him away

Jade just held tighter so i couldnt escape. I ended up kicking him in the groin to get him away.

"David taught me that" I said

Jade tackled me to the ground and began tickling me over and over. Suddnely i forgot about David and all my worries. Jade was the best brother ever but i couldnt open up to him about half the things i worry about.

"I taught myself this" Jade said tickling my sides off

"Stahp" I yelled laughing like mad

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