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I couldnt deal with Owen anymore and there was only one place to go, talk to my parents.

"What are you saying?" my dad asked

"He abuses me" I replied "I had to lock myself in the bloody kitchen to stay away from him"

My parents didnt seem to believe me.

"Would you believe some dickhead over youre own daughter?" I asked

The both looked to each other before nodding.

"You are dispicable, the pair of you. Dont you understand that i have a life to live" I said

"We dont want youre child to have two different coloured eyes" my mum defended

"That was a bloody fight. Dont you remember George Underwood punched him...anyway thats irrelivant, you two not even wanting youre daughter to live a life is relevant" I shouted "Owen oractically raped me to just conceive me and now i pregnant"

"Well it worked" my mum said

I rolled my eyes while stepping back. I felt ready to punch them but i forced myself not to. Why couldnt someone help me, no man should treat any woman like Owen treats me. I want to make sure no woman gets treated like that and i know David would be with me on that one especially with his preservation to the cruelty of long haired men society.

"You two are the worst parents ever" I said before storming from the room

I bumped into jade on the way out.

"You okay?" Jade asked

"I might punch mum and dad" I replied heading to the door

"Ill join you with that one" Jade said following me

Once the front door closed Jade lost it. He began punching the wall while crying.

"What happened?" I asked

"Mum and dad found me a girlfriend who isnt nice at all and i just feel like dying" Jade replied

"Dont say that, dont ever say that. I love you so much, youre my brother and i dont want to loose you. Youre my rolemodel" I said

"Im the same age as David" Jade protested

"Yeah but i love him, to me he doesnt seem older" I said

Jade just pulled me into a hug and didnt let go. Then Owen came up behind Jade and tried to hit him. I pushed Jade out of the way before jumping out of the way myself. Jade managed to get a punch in before grabbing my hand and pulling me away. We ran down the road and didnt look back.

We turned down a back alley and realised we had nowhere to go. We turned to see Owen at the other end of the alley. I began cowering behind Jade as he thought of what to do. He then began running towards the wall behind us. He managed to get to a ledge on it before turning to me.

"Climb" he said holding out his hand

"I cant" I said beginning to sob

"Just try" Jade replied

I began running at the wall just as Owen began approaching. I ended up closing my eyes as i felt someone grab my hand. Then Owen grabbed my ankle. I opend my eyes and tried to shake him away, managing to kick him in the face. Jade helped me up onto the ledge before climbing to the top. He reached down and grabbed onto my hand to help me up. Once i was at the top of the wall my hand instantly went to my stomach.

"They will be okay" Jade comforted pulling me along the rooves

"How do we get down?" I asked my fear of heights taking over me

"I have literally no idea" jade replied his grip on my hand tightening

We got a building that had a fire escape. Jade began running towards it and jumped down onto it before helping me down. We began running down the stairs while trying to get our bearings. Once we got down we had no idea where we were.

"Jade youre the older brother" I said

"I have no idea where we are" Jade replied

We found our way down the road and to the train station. Then we found David.

"Are you two oaky?" David asked watching us walk around like headless chickens

"Were lost" me and Jade chorused

David shook his head while smiling slightly. He began walking away leaving us to follow. We ended up back on our road in seconds. We got back to mine and Owens house where he sat waiting for us. He stood up ready to kill someone but David dived at him. He knocked Owen to the ground before punching him over and over. Me and Jade just watched, a little mesmirized.

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