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When September came they said i would be let back to Uni and carry on from where i left off. I had to forget about David for the time being. He was very proud of me getting accepted back into Uni and promised he would be back soon. Our other best friend James moved in to live with us as he broke up with his girlfriend and she kicked him out. Me and James always had the same lectures so spent a lot of time together.

"I like Hunky Dory" James said

"I know what you mean, i prefer the rise and fall of ziggy stardust and the spiders from mars" I replied

For our assigment we were in pairs finding two songs that would fit together in a mash up. As both me and James love David so much that we settled on a couple of his songs.

"What about Space Oddity and Life On Mars?" I suggetsed

"Omg yes" James replied

To add James is our gay best friend and thinks he can marry David, he doesnt know i know David let alone im dating him. Then Juhi entered the room with lunch.

"David just called" Juhi said

"And?" I urged

"He said the tours been put back and will be getting here ther day we break up" Juhi added

NNNNNNOOOOOO, i have to wait even longer.

"If he doesnt get here soon i will" the rest of my sentence turned into groaning

I stormed from the room leaving Juhi to explain everything to James. I dialled Davids number to not get a response.

"JUHI!" I yelled

She came sprinting down the stairs, James close behind.

"Everything okay?" Juhi asked

"Where did he call from?" I asked

Juhi began biting her bottom lip not knowing what to say. I then turned to Kristal for some sort of explanation.

"David doesnt want us to tell you" Kristal began

"Please someone tell me before i break something" I begged

"He called from the hospital" Juhi began

I looked round to find out more.

"Whats wrong?" I asked

"he has apendicitis" Kristal added

"Why wouldnt he want me to know?" I asked

"Because he wants you to focus on youre Uni work. We dont even know what hospital hes at as he doesnt trust us when youre so good at getting information out of people" Juhi replied

I punched the first thing i could, which turned out to be the wall. I hit it with some strength causing me to yelp out in pain.

"You okay?" Kristal asked rushing over

"Im fine" I replied

"James get an ice pack" Juhi ordered taking me to the sofa "You have a good punch"

I attempted to smile at her but my hand hurt too much. I knew it wasnt broken as it didnt hurt that much. Thankfully it didnt take long until James had returned with the ice pack.

When i went for the lecture the next day i came across a problem, i couldnt write. I managed to get past that bit but James could tell i was a little worried about David. Halfway through the lecture i ended up crying silent tears, luckily i was at the back. James had to try and comfort me while writing down information. We were actually learning about David which made it all a whole lot worse.

"Try and pull yourself together" James whispered

I ended up curling up into a ball under the desk as the silent tears kept coming.

"Milly" James whispered

"Go away" I replied

James pulled me from under the desk before i got told off. I managed to write down some notes as James kept an eye on me.

"He will be okay" James comforted

I shook my head not being able to process it.

"Its Bowie, he will be okay" James carried on

"I love him and im worried sick" I practically shouted causing everyone to turn round

I gathered my things before clambering up. I ran from the room and found my way to the doors. I sat down on the field and cried.

"Amelia" it was our teacher, Mr Jones

"Im sorry Sir" I said turning round

"Is everything okay?" he asked coming to sit next to me

"Its just what were learning at the moment, im finding it sensitive" I replied hugging my knees

Mr Jones began rubbing my back.

"if theres anything you want to talk about then im here" Mr Jones said

"Thank you" I replied

He clambered up and headed back inside. I ended up trudging back to my empty house and just laid on the living room floor. Then the phone began ringing. I jumped up to answer it.

"Hello?" I asked

"Hello" david replied

"David" I almsot yelled

"I suppose they told you" David said

"yeah" i admitted

"Well im out of hospital and back at my hotel room but i dont want you to come and see me, i want you to focus on collage work. You dropped behind once because of me so you dont deserve to again" David admitted

"But..." I began

"No, you dont worry about me" David said

"Fine, but i still love you" I agreed

"I still love you" David replied

We said our goodbyes before handing up. I threw myself down on the sofa, a big smile across my face. I ended up receiving a letter form the Uni telling me to take the week off.

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