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When march rolled around i went to the airport to wave goodbye to David.

"I'll see you at christmas" David said putting his hnd on my cheek

"But thats so far away" I moaned putting my hand on his

"Ill call" David promised

I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder. Davids hand rubbed up and down my back as i clutched onto him. We parted so our lips could meet.

"Mr Bowie were going to have to go" the pilot said

"I'll call when the plane lands" David said before walking towards the plane

I watched the door close before i headed over to the window to watch the private jet set off. As it began taxiing i stepped forward up against the window. I didnt want David to go but i knew he had to. As the plane left the ground my heart sunk, i was alone again. I turned and headed out of the airport. I had the feeling like he wasnt going to come back and it was just like before. I forced myself to take my mind off it as i headed to the car where Juhi and Kristal were sat waiting. I clambered into the drivers seat and burst into tears.

"Milly he will come back" Kristal said rubbing my shoulder from where she sat in the back

I shook my head resting it on the steering wheel.

"he will, he wont forget about you. He loves you and you love him" Juhi added

"He did once, what says he wont again" I sobbed

Juhi pulled me into a hug as i gripped tight onto her.

"Come on hes David Bowie he will come back" Juhi comforted

I sobbed into her shoulder as Kristal rubbed my back.

"Lets get back" I said pullign away "Ive got an assigment to do"

I turned the engine on before driving out of the car park. I kept thinking about the assigment and David, he could help me with the assigment as its to compose a piece of music. As we arrived home i locked my bedroom door and cried into my pillow. I looked to a picture by the bed which wa staken of me and David at Christmas. I clutched the picture as i clambered up and headed to the window. I sat down on the window seat and grabbed some paper to write the song. David going on tour gave me an idea for a song. At some point there was a knock on the door.

"Milly were going to the pub do you want to come?" Juhi asked

"No, im going to stay here" I replied

"Open up" Kristal begged banging on the door

"I dont feel like it" I replied putting the paper down

I curled up with a blanket on the window seat still clutching the picture.

"I will pick the lock" Kristal threatened

"Pick the lock, see if i care" I replied

I heard fumbling at the door before it slammed open.

"He will come back" Juhi said

"Please just leave me alone, I need some time alone!" I practically shouted

The two backed out of my room and closed the door.

"We're meeting James" Juhi taunted

"I'm dating Bowie. And besides me and James never dated, we're just really close" I defended as the door shut

I sunk down into the window seat as I kept staring out of the window. I just wanted him to come back now. I was worried more then anything that he would find another woman. But he's David Bowie, he's too loyal to me, he would never cheat on me. I found myself drifting into a deep sleep and ignoring the fact David wasnt with me to keep me warm, comfort me during nightmares.

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