I love you

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Millys pov:

As i wiped away the tear David leaned closer until our lips collided. This was my first kiss and felt amazing. This isnt what i ever expected but it was amazing. Davids lips were so soft and gentle, really not what i expected. Davids hand ran through my jet black hair as my hand found its way to his shoulder.

"I love you Bowie" I said parting for air

"I love you too" David replied pulling me back

At that moment there was a knock on the door. Me and David jumped back.

"Dont be doing bad things in there" Juhi said through the door

"No nothings happening" I said

"Okay good, were heading to bed" Juhi said before walking off

As soon as she left me and David turned to each other.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" David asked

"Yes" i replied

We just laid there together looked out the window at the dark sky. The stars shone down on us as i moved closer to David. I ended up falling asleep on is chest, only waking to the sound of a dog barking.

I sat upright and looked round to find David still asleep. I clambered from the bed and krept from the room. I headed downstairs and grabbed my coat and shoes. I stepped out into the cool midnight breeze of London. I kept walking down the street until i reached the Thames. I stood on Tower Bridge and looked out over the glistening water below me. I pulled the coat closer around me as i leaned on the barrier.

"I wondered where you went" came the beautiful british accent from behind me

I turned around and smiled widely at David. He came and stood next to me, wrapping has arm around me.

"Im going on a world tour again next year" David said

"How long?" I asked

"From about March up until Christmas" David replied

"I dont want you to go" I said resting my head on his shoulder

"I will see you again for christmas" David comforted

I wrapped my arms around him and sunk into his embrace. Over the next year i would miss this terribly so i would have to make up for it now. David pulled away and picked up a sterio i didnt know was on the floor. He pressed a button and it came out with Life On Mars?. I softly smiled as David pulled me towards the middle of the bridge. We began dancing with each other even though i have to admit David was more dad dancing. At the end of the song i was stood on the barrier seperating us from the water below. David helped me down before we fell into a kiss.

"I will call" David said

"You dont even leave for another few months" I added

David picked up the sterio before wrapping his arm around me.

"Theres somewhere i want to take you" David said

"Wheres that?" I asked

"Youll see" David replied

He led me back to the house to drop the sterio off and grab the keys to our car. David clambered into the drivers seat and set off, heading out of London.

"David please tell me where were going" I begge as we hit the motorway

"Youll see, its somewhere only i know about" David said changing gear

I did get a little worried when we ended up in the country side. We stopped by a river where David turned the engine off. He took his shoes off before rolling up his jeans, and then he looked to me.

"Whats going on?" I asked

"I wanted to take you here. Ive never showed anyone this before" David replied opening the door

I took my shoes off before clambering from the car. I folloed David to the rivers edge. I was the first to step into a cold water.

"Is it warm?" David asked

"Yeah" I replied trying to get him to step in

David put his foot in before realising how cold it was.

"This is freezing" David moaned

He began chasing me but luckily i had somewhere to run. I looked back to see where Dvaid was, not realising there wasa rock just in frnt of me. My foot hit it before i tumbled forward. I hit my ankle on the rock, twisting it. I then cut my palm as it hit another rock.

"Mils you okay?" David said picking me up in an instant

He pulled a handkercheif out of his pocket and wrapped it around my hand. I had to use him to support me as i couldnt put weight on my ankle. I was soaking wet so David took his jacket off and wrapped it around me. He helped me to the car and got me inside. David jumped into the drivers seat and set off.

"Lets get you home" David said

"Ill be okay" I said wincing in pain at my ankle

David could see i was in pain and went as fast as he could to get me home and to an ice pack.

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