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Davids pov:

I rushed down the stairs knowing it was my fiance, Angela. I took the phone from Kristal before taking a deep breath.

"Hello" i said

"Hey, how are you" Angela asked

"Im fine" I replied

Angela breathed heavily down the phone and i knew she could tell something was wrong.

"David what happened?" Angela asked

"Look i have to let you go" I replied

I heard her gasp as i began biting my bottom lip.

"Its her isnt it?" Angela asked a little frustrated

Ive messed up big time. Angela was lovely dont get me wrong but Milly is my everything. How did i even explain this to Angela. She knew who Milly was but didnt know how close i really was with her.

"Its her isnt it? Its Amelia?" Angela asked

"Its no one, i love no one else but i just arent ready for a relationship" I replied, lying through my teeth

"Nice try Bowie" Angela said

With that she slammed the phone down causing me to do the same. I slid down the wall as Juhi watched me.

"Breakup?" Juhi asked

"Yup i just let my fiance go" I replied

Juhis eye brows raised.

"I did it so i could be with Milly" I said clambering up

"Mr Bowie we might not even let you" Juhi joked

I rolled my eyes at her before rushing up the stairs. I found Milly fast asleep so i clambered into the bed with her. I still had to process the fact i let Angela go but i knew i did the right thing insted of going behind her back.

"David" Milly muttered

"Hu?" I asked

"Whats youre finace like?" she asked

"Not my fiance any more" I replied

SHe jolted up and looked strait at me.

"What?" Milly muttered, a confused expression etched across her perfect face

"I love you Milly and no one else" I defended

"You shouldnt have done it for me" I said

I sat up so i was facing her. I didnt know what to do. This was the love of my life but she seemed like a different person. She wanted me not so long ago but now, she didnt understand why i broke the engagement so i could be with her.

"Milly please i hope you understand how much you mean to me" I said

She threw herself at me and hugged me tight.

"I love you so much David Bowie" she said beginning to cry

"Whats wrong?" I asked holding her at arms length

"I cant believe you did so much for me just because i love you" Milly replied

A/n: sorry it was such a short chapter the others will be longer. I would love to hear what you guys think as ive never tried writing a David Bowie fan fic before.

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