Heading for New York

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Once the call ended i went to pack instantly but Owen tried to stop me.

"Youre not going to find Bowie, he's just a stupid little idot who thinks that his songs are good" Owen spat

"But i love him" I replied

"You broke the engagement" Owen defended

"Go die in a hole Owen" I said hitting him round the head with my suitcase

He tried to reach out and strangle me but i dodged out of the way.

"I hope you realise ive never loved you" I said packing as much as i could

Owen just watched me as i ran round like a headless chicken.

"Be careful honey not to damage the baby" Owen said

Shoot i forgot about that, i forgot to tell David.

"Ill damage something else" I muttered under my breath

Once i was packed i pushed past Owen to get out of the house.

"Be back soon" Owen called after me

"Ill be back with my new husband" I replied

I hoped to break the marraige between David and Angie so i could have him. God i sound so selfish but he doesnt deserve her. He deserves someone beter then her, someone like me. I rushed down the street for the airport, luckily it wasnt that far away.

When i got there the jet was already waiting and they showed me there strait away. I took a seat but couldnt stop thinking about David. Why the bloody hell did i break a perfect relationship, i love him dearly. I missed him so much when he was away on tour and now, hes across the other side of the bloody ocean living there, needing me. I was so privilaged for my life so far, any girl would kill to be me, but right now this isnt the life i want.

I laid on Davids bed on the jet and couldnt take my mind off him. The duvet was a soft silk that spread across the double bed. I felt in heaven, now any girl would kill for this. Laying on David Bowies bed in his private jet, but yet again i wouldnt. Im the one travelling across and ocean to help him, the love of my life, the person im destined to be with. I soon fell asleep, forgetting everything.

When the plane landed the bounce woke me up. In normal surcumstances i would freshen up but ive slept in the same bed as david, i was engaged to him for petes sake.

I grabbed my bags before thanking the pilot and leaving the plane. I found david stood by the car waiting for me. I fell into his arms repeating the same words 'im sorry'.

"Darling what are you apoligising for?" David asked helping me into the car

"For breaking the engagement, i love you so much David but were both with someone else" I replied

David pulled me close, just holding me against his chest. I missed this and he'd only been away a day, but everything had changed in that day. He married Angie and i got pregnant with Owens child. When we arrived at Davids apartment i went to grab my bag but David beat me to it, kissing me in the process. We got inside which was surprisingly empty.

"Where's Angie?" I asked

"Shes out, this is actually her place" David replied putting my bag down in the spare room "Im afraid we cant be in the same room"

"Thats not whats bothering me" I said

David looked questioningly at me in the mid movement of closing the door.

"What?" David asked

"You might want to sit down for this" I replied gesturing to the sofa in the living room

David hesitantly made his way to the sofa and took a seat. I walked over to him and took his hands in mine before squatting down.

"David im pregnant with Owens child" I announced in a hushed tone

David looked down to the ground before dropping onto his knees. He pulled me into a tight hug and began sobbing. Then to my disappointment Angie entered.

"Whats she doing here?" Angie asked gesturing to me "And why are you hugging her"

David pulled back and looked at her with red puffy eyes.

"I love her more then ive ever loved you" David began

Angie looked to me and she could clearly see something was up.

"Are you like pregnant with Davids child or something?" Angie asked

"No, not his child but the child of my new fiance in which i dont like" I replied clambering up

Angie still didnt understand why i was here. Her eyes then flickered to David. David clambered up and held onto my hand. She moved towards David and pulled him away from me. She threw him over the back of the sofa letting him crash into the glass table.

"David" I screamed jumping over the sofa

Angie tried to get to him but i stopped her, i couldn't let her hurt him. David stayed in the corner, weak. I had to protect him, especially with the state hes in.

"You are so lucky that youre with child other wise i would have killed you both by now" Angie said

"Youre killing no one" I said holding her as far away from David as i could

I didnt know how long this fight was going to play out for, no one could help and David was too weak to even move. I tried to hold Angie off hoping David would have enough strength to run.

"David just try and get out of the apartment" I advised

He managed to climb up and weakly get to the door. He grabbed my suitcase and left leaving me and Angie. I let go of her now David was safe.

"Just stay out of mine and my husbands life" Angie spat

"I can happily stay out of youre life but im not staying out of Davids for any longer. I have spent years wihout him and missed him terribly, i think i deserve him more then you" I said and with that i was out the door in an instant

I ran down the corridor and found David cowering by the lift. I helped him inside the lift a little scared that Angie would be close behind. I clicked the button to get us down to the bottom so we could run away.

"Its going to be okay now" I reassured David holding tight onto him

David didnt say anything as the lift came to a stop. I helped David out and from the apartment block. We managed to find a hotel where i got David to the bed to rest. I grabbed my handbag and pulled my coat on.

"Where are you going?" David asked

"Getting you two a divorse" I replied heading to the penthouse door

"Youre doing that for me?" I turned to face him

"And me, my dream is to marry you" I said before opening the door "Ill be back later"

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