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It was the last day before we left and i was throwing everything into th suitcases.

"Im gonna run away to New York, you coming?" David asked

I froze.

"I cant"I muttered in response

David shot up in bed.

"What happened on christmas morning?" David asked

"I have to let you go. My parents want me to marry Owen. The weddings organised for August" I replied

Davids eyes searched mine with a glint of sadness in his.

"David i love you dearly and i truly dont want to do this but i want the relationship with my parents" I said sitting down beside him

David moved further away from me and began sobbing. I went to hug him but he just moved away.

"Stay away" he yelled

I did as he said before reaching for the engagement ring.

"Take this" I said handing him the ring

He snatched it up before holding it tight. He clambered up and grabbed his suitcase. Without saying a word he stormed from the room and then the house. I didnt know what to do, tears kept coming down my cheeks.

"Milly, you shouldnt have done that" Jade said entering the room

"But mum and dad would have disowned me and everyone need parents in their life" I replied

"But you have me, im nothing to do with this and i want you to have the best life, David loves you" Jade said

I flopped down on the bed just as my mum entered.

"Youre moving into the house jsut down the road with Owen" my mum ordered grabbing my suitcase

"You cant just make all these desicions for me. Ive just lost the love of my life so can you just give me a moment" I begged

"No, youre dads just heading to London to grab all of youre stuff" my mum said dragging me from the room

I tried to reach out to Jade but i was too far away.

"Mum please leave her alone" Jade begged but it was too late

The house was only at the end of the road but i wasnt ready to move in with Owen. I just wanted David but i didnt even know wher ehe was now, probably on a plane to New York. It wasnt long until my dad arrived with all of my belongings but he didnt get the picture. I broke down into a flood of tears right by the front door.

"Cheer up its only a picture" Owen said walking into the kitchen

"Its the only thing i have left of David. I dont even know where hes gone" I replied clambering up

I began walking upstairs and found two rooms.

"Ill take the smaller room" I shouted down

Owen came running up the stairs and stood in front of the room i was thinking about staying in.

"No no, thats the nursery" Own said

"Nursery?" I questioned

"Yeah" Owen replied nodding

He then began pushing me into the bedroom.

"No please, dont" I begged

He shut the door with his foot while attacking me with kisses. The pushed me onto the bed and began taking my clothes off as quick as he could before taking is off. And then we did it. I hadnt even done it with David let along some dickhead who probably doesnt even love me, hes just using me. We were together for too long but luckily the front door slammed closed. From the footsteps i knew it was jade, no one walks like him.

"HELP!"I screamed trying to push Owen away before he got me pregnant but i couldnt

I heard footsteps on the stairs before they stopped.

"Milly where are you?" Jade asked

"In here" i replied

he flung the door open and his eyes landed on us. He quickly ran over and pulled Owen away from me. Jade threw one of my Bowie dressing gowns at me. I threw it on before clambering up.

"Thats my sister man" Jade shouted at Owen

"I know but shes also my fiance" Owen replied

I looked to my hand to find a ring on my finger. My eyes opened wide as my mouth dropped open.

"While trying to get her pregnant, which i think worked, i also put the ring on her finger" Owen carried on

"Milly take the ring off" Jade advised

As i went to do so Owen tackled me to the bed.

"Dont ever take it off" Owen threatened

Owen eventually managed to kicked Jade out before locking the door. Over the course of the day i kept taking pregnancy tests until one in the late afternoon read positive.

"Owen Williamson" I yelled

He came sprinting up the stairs and into the bathroom. I handed him the pregnancy test and just stared at him. In the mix of being happy he pulled me into a hug leaving me to push him away.

"lets go to the doctors for them to confirm it" Owen said dragging me from the house

We clambered into the car as Owen sped to the doctors. When we got there we got an appointment strait away. My stomach began doing flips as i laid on the bed waiting for them to say it was a false alarm.

"You are certainly having a baby. Congratulations" the doctor confirmed

"Williamson" I muttered as Owen ran round the room celebrating

I needed to tell david but i didnt even know where he was. He could be somewhere across the Atlantic by now who knows.

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