Captive Encounter

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Andrew opens his eyes, his blurred vision giving him anxiety as he could see black figures around him, and feel the binding around his hands that interlock his fingers.

As his vision becomes clearer so to do his others senses, there are two hunters by his legs runing some kind of mechine over him, before checking his leg restraints as he sits in a metal chair in the middle of a stone room with a monitor on the wall and a signal door.

He pulls at his arms erraticly attempting to free them from there bindings behind his back, before he could remove anything hunters rush to him clasping his hand.

As Andrew's struggle attracts the hunters the monitor on the wall turns on, and the voice that he had herd from the radio came through with the image of the man.

The face of a man appears on the sceen, he has a thinly muscular face with deffinitivly carved features toped with a head of neat black hair and bearing two green jewels of eyes, and a menacing smile.

"It's amazing what is possible, don't you think Mr.Quinton" he says with a emphasis on his words.

Andrew looks with anger into the monitor, into the eyes of the man who speaks.

"Take that for example" he says pointing to the Hunter in the corner of the room, who holds in his hand a large flat device with a gun like grip on the back of it, " if you'll kindly look to your wounds Mr.Quinton you'll find that they are gone" he says pausing for him to look around his body.

"How" Andrew replys.

"A little research goes a long way" he says sounding more spiteful with every word he says.

"And what kind of research is that" Andrew asks, with his brow still lowerd.

"Well you and your kind are special, but that dosnt mean that your, abilitys can't be replicated, in fact far from it of course like all things there is trial and error, a few deaths here and there, but it's all worth it in the long run don't you agree" he says looking to Andrew with squinted eyes.

"No, no I don't" Quinton replys.

"Strangely enough, Mr.Quinton I don't beleave you, given your redacted military record, if past is prolouge sir you are willing to do any thing to end a suffering isn't that right Andrew" the man says, licking his lips menacingly.

Andrew apon hearing what he had to say beguins to struggle in his restraints, attempting to force his way to freedom that is hindered by whatever it is that restrains him.

Two hunters rush to him as he rocks the chair, they hold down on his shoulders pinning him down in the chair unable to move at all.

A laughter erupts from the sceen as he takes pleasure in Andrews struggle, "its useless Mr.Quinton, I understand that you and I have something in comman, our powers require hand movement to activate, so with those binds on your practically useless, you might as well be one of them" he says grinning.

"If your one of us why do this, why work with the district" Andrew shouts at the screen as he attempts to pull his arms free from the hunters.

"I don't work with the district, I am the district, I run this show Mr.Quinton, and you and your little makeshift family of vagabonds are trying to brake what I built" he replys with a wild aggression about him.

"You betrayed your own kind" Andrew says, hoping to do some damage from his position in the chair.

"My "kind" soon won't exis Andrew, you'll all be dead, extinct and when that happens I'll have all of the power, all the power in the world" he says, his tone changing from anger to humour, his voice unable to contain itself, with chuckles slipping through his lips as he finishes.

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