Overloaded Archetype

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Panic insues in the back of the truck as Andrews statement throws them all into rushed preparedness.

"What do I do", Estabon stamers, his hands shaking on the wheel with uncertanty.

"Just keep moving", Andrew patiently responds looking again back at the drones that get ever closer, "Eddie, cut them off", he calls to the back, getting a confirmation with two knocks on the wall separating them.

Andrew throws the door open as the drones beguin to approch above, he suspends the door and climbes up into the top of the truck all the while it moves at 50 miles per hour down this empty road. He stands with his legs and arms splayed out as he edges along to the back of the truck.

There are three drones one overhead with two approaching ether side of the vehicle, upon recognising Andrew atop the truck the shutters open at the underbelly of the drone and release hunters that fall heavily onto the roof of the truck, two land denting the top of the carrier but he third falls right through releasing the surprised screams of the people inside.

With alert and swift hand movement Andrew tosses the two off the top, and slides into the entry hole left by the third Hunter, he lands behind the assailant, reaching over ist shoulder grabbing  the automatic firearm in its hands; as he does bullets fire from ist barrel missing his friends by mere inches.
He throws the weapon to the ground pulls the Hunter back and thrusts his power into the monsters chest sending him crashing out the back of the truck taking the shutters with it.

"Davey, keep them safe", Andrew says pushing his hands down at his sides ejecting him back through the same hole he had entered through, and forcing the rear suspention of the truck to jolt.

he rushes to the head of the truck just in time to see two more drones hovering over the street ahead, turning around he extends both arms in the direction of the drone above the truck, dragging it down. the craft attempts to resist his pull swerving its pripellars to regain controll but before releasing its next wave of hunters it collides with the drone to the left of the truck. Andrew ducks as the collision of the two drones results in an explosion that litters the street with a flaming wreckage.

the drone to the other side of the truck flees as a rotating sound catches in the air, looking down the street Andrew notices the two drones have errected firearms from there fronts aimed for them.

he realigns his feet and thrusts both arms forward, pushing the drones aside as the truck skimmes past them, Andrew looks down to his smoldering palms as they swell with a red; suddenly the end of the truck hooks on one of the drones that had been brushed asid.
the truk flips over itselfe and Andrew is sent from it as it rolls, he watches it tumbel over as he falls to the ground, and then his vision desends to black.

flashes of light catch in his vision, and then his eyes open, his gaze is weak and the image is blury, yet the scene is clear, fully black blurrs pulling other figures from the destruction of the great white mass he assumed to be the truck.

at first he cralws, and then the crunch of his ribs and the burning of his grazed hands tell him otherwise, rolling onto his side he props his legs under his body and forces himself to stand. each step he makes is pain, with a cold wet dripping down the side of his right leg.

his vision clears lightly and distant screams catch in his ears, he speeds up his limping catching the gaze of a hunter, his foot slips from under him but he catches himslef, placing his left hand to his side to support his broken rib, the black clad killer aims his weapon at the disoriantated Andrew but a sway of his limp arm spins the skull of the hunter to the back of his body, droping the hunter to the ground.

he hurries his steps to the back of the truck, but as he approaches a hunter emerges weapon drown, befor he could pull the triger Daveys formiliar figure appears behind it, kicking its legs out before putting a well placed bullet in between the neck brace of the hunter.
the hunter falls to the ground and Davey rushes to catch Andrew as his legs give from under him.

Davey has a stream of blood cascading down the side of his head as he rushes Andrew to the back of the truck that now lays on its side, Quinton goes to speak but his words are cought in his throat as a drone passes overhead, completly ignoring those left in ruin on the ground.

gripping the side of the truck Andrew takes on his own wieght again, standing as tall as his injuries would allow, "is everyone okay", he calls over his ears that carry a light ringing.

the sound in his ears is irritated as gunshots crash from behind him, he spins around watching as a swarm of birds converg creating a wall between him and the gunfire; squacking errupts from the wall of birds as blood and feathers scatter across the concrete, as bird corpses fall to the floor. Andrew rushes to pick up a hunter weapon, anylising the trigger he pulls the clip from the weapon emptying the round into his hands.

the bullets beguin to levitate in his powers grasp before shooting from the empty space above his hand and rushing toword the wall of birds, the bullets pass through the wall swerving to avoid the birds before colliding with the hunters on the other side, "take me over there", he whispers to Davey placing a hand on his friends shoulder.

in the blink of an eye there on the other side of the barrior, three hunters get to there feet as one remains on the floor with a puddle of red surrounding it, wincing Andrew swipes his hand through the air knocking them to the groud once again as he hisses through gritted teeth.

Davey zips to each of the fallen hunter, unloading bullets on them in a matter of seconds as Andrew anylises his hands the skin on his palms beginning to split allowing serum and blood to ease from his appendages.

but nevertheless he aims his limp arms at the two remaining drones as they hover close to the ground, his body is hunched over to the side and his legs shake under his wight as he slowly edges the two crafts close to one another.

the propellers collide and ignite the remainder of them in a ball of fire, shrapnel clatters across the road, leaving chiped concreate and scroch markes in its wake.

Davey reappears ahead of Andrew, looking at his dishevaled hands before allowing him to rest over his shoulders, "you need to start cutting back with that... youll need your hands for the mission ahead", Davey mumbles looking stright ahead as the wall of birds disperses, revealing his bloodied friends, and then a thought hits him, bringing to mind a promise.

he pushes away from Davey, runing with one leg, he brushes past the others at the back of the collapsed truck and heads to the front. he tuggs at the shattered window sheild until it folds off revealing a bloodied pale man held in place with a seat belt, Andrew falls to his knees his weak arms swaying at his side.

as the others speak at the back of the truck Andrew drags the body across the road, placing him on a patch of green to the side of the road, clawing at the dirt he beguins digging, covering his his arms in dirt up to his wrists.

the day had passed and as the sun sets Andrew pushes the last remanents of dirt on to the grave patting it down, the others had left him to burry their lost comrad in much needed solitude, but now as the sun sets over the hidden horizen Lizzy and Davey approach behind.

"I promised his wife... I promised her i would get him back alive... insted I got him killed", he pittifuly utters.

Davey rests a hand on his shoulder as tears ease down Andrews face, "weve got some bad news Quinton", Davey says.

"what is it", he remarks, struggeling to stand, Lizzy reaches for him assisting him to his feet before Davey responds.

"its Abigail", he says, and in that moment all the possiblitys flashed through his mind, would he have to burry another friend today. "they got her... in the commotion she was abducted by the hunters, that drone that got away she was in it", Davey informs.

"then we go get her", Andrew says confidently, strightening his shoulders.

"we dont need to... once they find out shes not one of us they'll let her go", Lizzy argues.

"NO... they'll kill her for helping us, torture her to make her tell them where we are" Andrew shouts, with a stern experssion on his face, "no, we... we are going to get her back, im not loosing two people today".

"right", says Davey leading the way back to the truck, "lets get to it then", he remarks with a half smile on his face.

             end of part 12

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