Distressed Loyalties

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Andrew is woken by a cold embrace as a rush of cold water is splashed over his naked body, both cooling his chest burns and manufacturing a sense of humility.

Andrew sits up, on the ground before covering himself apon seeing his friend on the other side of the prison bars.

"What the hell, where are my clothes" he says between shivers.

"Mike, when he came back he had a bomb on him, I spoke with Johnson, the birds told him, we had to make shore" Davey says tossing Quintons clothes to him throught the bars.

"Do you think that I would come back here if I thought for a second I had a bomb on me" Andrew says feeling humiliated as Davey turns away so that his friend could dress himself.

"Do you think that mike would have come back if he thought he had the explosive on him" Davey says, his voice calm and collective, yet harbouring a hidden rage.

Andrew doesn't answer, feeling the overwhelming guilt of his actions flood over him as he looks to his feet, seeing the blood that had been spilt by him, and remembering the life lost.

Davey turns back around to Andrew upon hearing the tightening of his belt, "what happened Andrew" Davey asks, his tone still conflicted.

"I... I don't really know, it it's just like everything got to me all at once, I don't know, I wasn't right, but I'm better now, im fine you can let me out" Andrew says.

"You see Quinton I'm not too shore of that" Davey says his unsure tone finally picking a stance, "I sore that look in your eyes, the same look as at Jerrylane, you can tell me that your fine, but I'd argue that you haven't been right for a long time" he shouts at Andrew, his voice building in volume.

"I'm sorry, I tried, I tried to help everyone" Andrew interrupts.

"No, no that's not good enough, you left, me, Liz hell even Abigail, you left us all, those people out there, you left them at the worst possible time and you tell me you tried" Davey says, his words cutting deep with Andrew.

"Dont stand there and tell me how to manage these people, you could have gone after me, you could have done alot of things, instead you shed tears for a traitor, make me feel like the bad guy" Andrew shouts back, participating in this unjust argument.

"No I didn't go after you because these people you so dearly "manage" needed someone to look to, and when I have my daughter tugging at my sleve as everyone is scattered in a panic your the last thing I'm thinking of" Davey says, pacing in frustration.

Andrew is lost in thought, Davey's words finally breaking thru his mind and digging like worms into his mind

Davey looks to Quinton, and sees the distress on his face, "what happened out there" Davey asks with sympathy embroidering his rage.

"I got caught, they got me" Andrew says slumping to the ground, "I sore him... the man that got to Mike, he is a real peice of work, truly insane, he is dangerous Davey, he can't be aloud to find us" he says.

"How, how can we stop him from finding us, how do we stop him" Davye asks, looking to his friend for an answer.

"I... I think I have a plan" Andrew says.

As the two desgus the plan behind the closed doors Liz waits to find out what is going on, her mind struggling to comprehend the compressed events of the past few days.

She walks back and forth, passing the entrance to the door a multitude of times, each time attempting to listen to the words said as she grows more impatient.

She spots Davey leaving the room and is about to walk into the room, but rushes to hide as Davey hurries to return, Liz watches as he reenters, knowing that she isn't wanted in there, and that Davey had instructed her to stay out, but her desire to see Andrew, to speak with him given the way they left things trumps the will of the Barrows de facto leader.

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