Society's Anchor

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The large stone grinders along the inner wall, as the barrier opens the frantic voices of the barrows residence flood into the tunnel, the stone takes longer to move as I suspend the still unconscious woman.

"There going to want answers, and you no there not going to like them" Davey says harbouring a sense of imminent danger in his voice.

"I know, just keep them away for the moment, I'll answer there questions in time, we need to have her fixed up, can you get Lucy" I ask Davey, a quaintness to my voice.

"I'll see if she is up for it, but if she's not then it's not happening" he says weary of his words.

"Keep them away" I tell Davey as the stone fixes into the wall and opens us up to the active crowd.
People surround us almost instantly pulling at Davey as he tries to keep them from seeing the unconscious woman, they beguine to get louder and more agitated but I push through and head towards my room.

Davey holds them back even more as I approach my room, I pull back the curtain and Lizzy springs to her feet from inside she runs towards me and hugs me, "I thought they got you both, Davey brought me back here but I sore them, I got scared, i was really scared" she says as I try to focus on moving the ragged woman into my room.

"Were fine" I tell Lizzy pulling out of her grasp and moving the makeshift table I have in the centre of the room, Davey runs to the entrance of my room and seeing Lizzy and the woman im now lowering on to the floor heads to fetch Lucy.

"Who is that" Lizzy asks with a modicum of sympathy.

"I don't know we found her trapped in the warehouse" I tell her focusing my attention on the woman.

"Is she one of us" she asks curiously.

"I don't know, I don't think so why" I ask Lizzy.

"No reason" she utter standing from her position beside me on the floor, I look up at her as she looks down at me, "what is going to happen with her".

"We'll  help her, that's what we do we help people" I say, my tone growing to become more and more defensive.

"I know it's just... its just people won't like this, they have a hard time trusting one another let alone someone different" she says.

"Well they trust me, and I keep them safe if they have a problem with me helping someone in need they can take it up with me" I growl at Lizzy, my tone erupting at her subtle comments.
Lizzy for a moment is silent, and then she leaves, without saying anything she leaves and then her steps become nothing but added noise amongst the loud speech of those packed near the podium.

I remove my attention from Lizzys fading footsteps and instead focus them towards the woman splayed out on my floor, I use my powers to pull a pillow from my bed and place it beneath her head, revealing more of her bruised features to the light.
I scan the woman's neck, swollen in a purple hue, that engulfs large portions of her exposed arms.

For a moment I'm removed from the situation, back to Isreal, back when I was on my tour with Lizzy, the women in that little town, they were all masicurred, systematically killed by the terrorists that inhabited there residence, there body's were left in a state resmbaling this, the multitude of bruises, the ruptured blood vessels that cover the body, back then that brought sick to the back of my throat, made me sick to be near those who could do this, now... now it just makes me angry... bitter, it makes me want to do the same to them, to make them feel what they felt, the pain that they were willing to inflict on others reversed, it would be so easy, but then I would be more like them than ever, that's why I can't... because I have to much to look after, too much too lose if I lose myself even more.

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