Breaking News

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"Breaking news today coming from all around the country as riots spread with one goal in mind following the release of a daming video little over a month ago".

"for those unaware of current events the video shows the now beleaved to be deseased previous head of the US district operations to have been one of these powered individuals, now the public statement from the district hasn't instilled hope into the people, here is the statement they made".

"we at the district have faught tirelessly to keep the people of the world safe from these dangerous individuals, however unfortunately Edgar Van Dame, the son of the late founder of the harmonic treaty happened to be one of these individuals, and for that we are truly sorry, this however may explain our reasons for being behind in our prosses. nevertheless we at the district will try as hard as we can to repair the damage caused by this damaging influence to our organisation".

"now understandably this was cause for conversation, which many have done in the form of violant protests today in the heart of the country, there have been some reports of police retaliation however following the release of this video many have begune to side with the minority".

"in other news hunters, many have been reporting noticeable malfunctions within there ranks, noticeabley in London and greater Europe where the majority of hunter exports are thriving, some beleave that with all of this back lash coming at the same time that the district and its laws may not servive the coming changes".

"many of the pro power activists have been crawling out from the woodwork recently to reestablish the anti-harmony they defended in the December back in 2030, however this time they may stand a chance, along with them many everyday citizen's are defending the actions of the proclaimed home grown terrorist organization the outliers, their leader Andrew Quinton the man who filmed the original video is being hailed as a hero all around the world for exposing the hypocritical nature of the district and in many places has spawned a following that are progressing these country wide protests".

"us at the VBN do not condone or support any of these violent protests, and do neather stand for or against the harmonic treaty and rights of powered indeviduals".

"more urgency has been made as talks have spread around the country regarding abolishment of the harmonic treaty, of course many countrys like russia are opposed to this idea, but with growing concerns in the united states many district officials are backing out of the treaty they swore by months ago, in favour of the growing popularity that these movement's are gaining as they spread through the states".

"more news on the growing concerns of the hunters as it has officaly been announced that the district intends to suspend a number of hunters world wide as a way to manage the current controversy, of course england and other UK locations regect this possibility but with the functions and systems of all hunters run from the USA they truly have no choice as to whether or not they keep the hunters functinal".

"many other news outlets are receiving backlash for their mixed stances on the rights issue that has been brought back into the picture during the weeks since the video depicting the collapsed of the districts lead head quaters was released to the public, us at the VBN have had a consitant stance on the state of this issue and feel like a public stance is not in our best intrest, me personaly having worked here for as long as i have feel that making a public statment would hinder the public perception of our urgent and vital news, we all thank you for your patronage to our network and hope that you continue your viewing through these next few seemingly troubling weeks".

"in the time since our last report little has happend in terms of the stance in the hunters, talks are still going through, and in particular the more violent protests have calmed, despite this there are still apprehensions going forward, many officers are still under the orders to apprehend any powered indeviduals on the streets".

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