Ex - Han Jisung

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You and him always  hang out in your bedroom after school. You were resting on his chest while he wrap his arms around you. You two were just watching some movie you rent when suddenly he ask you a question.
"Let's make a promise" he said, staring at you with full of love.
"What promise?" You ask.
"Let's promise that we will stay together forever" he said, snuggle your body near him.
"You sure you want to grow old with me? I won't look the same, I will have wrinkles, grey hair and even my figure will change" you said making him chuckle.
"Do you think I don't know that. We all will grow old y/n, but for sure I know that it's you who I want to grow old with" he touch his nose with yours.
"I love you Han Jisung" you cup his left cheek to pull him into a kiss.
"I love you more Song Y/n" he reply back with a kiss.

~time skip~
"Yah! Han Jisung you better stop" you shout at him, but he didn't stop walking away from you.
"I hate you!!!!" You throw your shoe at his back.
"Yah!!" He angrily shout at you, as you walk toward him.
"How dare you do this to me just because of a joke I made??" You stare at him with frustration, disappointed and sadness.
"Because it wasn't funny" he said.
"I said I was sorry!" You raise your voice at him.
"You always make mistake and think that if you say sorry..everything will turn back to normal. No!! It does not! I'm sick of you keep repeating the exact mistake that make me irritated and frustrated at your stupid behavior!" He confess his true feeling about you.
"Then tell me so that I can change for the better!" You frustratedly told him.
"There no use. I'm tired of you. I can't handle you any longer" he said with disgust that made your heart pain.
"How dare you say that when we make a promise to grow old together? How could you break that promise!!" You punch his chest.
"I don't care. I realize that we are too different for each other" he said, turning his head to the side.
"Is that your excuse? " you scoff, resting both your hands on your hips.
"Yah! I already knew we are different since the first day I met you but you made me believe that we can make it happen. Where did the Jisung I fall in love with, who doesn't easily give up on me" you said, clutching on his blazer while trying to hold in the tears.
"He no longer love you and realize that he made a mistake" he said, showing you that he no longer have the loving eyes he use to have for you.
"Mistake? Fine... Let's break up and never see each other ever again" you let go of his blazer before giving him a glare then left.

~Present time~
You were walking around the mall, buying stuff for your upcoming wedding. When suddenly you bump into someone who you didn't or never thought you will ever meet again.

"Jisung / y/n" you two said simultaneously.

You didn't said anything after than and was about to ran away but he stop you by gripping onto your arm.

"Please don't go." He whisper but enough for you to hear.
"Let go of me" you sternly said but he didn't let go and instead he pull you into a hug.
"I miss you" he said.

After you heard those words coming out from his mouth, every single memory of you and him linger through your mind. Your eyes is filling with tears but you quickly push him off you, not facing him.

"Out of everyone here. Why do I have to bump into you" you mumble.
"Let's talk?" He ask.
"I don't want to do anything with you anymore" you reply.
"Please y/n" he staring at you with pleading eyes.
"Fine! But only for 10 min" you agree and he brought you to a cafe.

You are sitting beside him. You watch him ordering yours and his drinks and come back with drinks in his hands.

"Here, choco shake...your favourite" he said, surprising you that he still remember your favorite drink.
"Thanks" you reply shortly.
"How have you been?" He ask.
"Good" you said, not really wanting to make conversation with him.
"I guess you're still hurt by me" he said, showing a sad smile.
"I do, every time I remember that exact event...hatred build in me and now seeing you infront me want me to throw my drink on you" you harshly said to him but he deserve it for breaking your trust and heart.
"I deserve that. I'm sorry, I was still immature at that time and didn't even consider of your feelings" he apologetic said.

You now feel a bit guilty for harshly treat him even tho it's been 6 years you two broke up.
"Look Jisung, I was badly hurt by what you did to me back then because you made me think we will be together forever and you were my first love. I was also at fault for keeping making mistake that made you hate and disgust of me. I took your words and tried improving myself to be better and now I'm found the one who fully accept me for who I am" you told him that made his eyes wide.
"The one?" He ask.
"Yeah, we're getting marry next week" you show him a crescent smile.
"You're engaged?" He ask and you showed him your engagement ring.
"Yeah, he actually save me before I lose myself." You said.
"What do you meant by save you, y/n?" He worriedly  ask.
"I did said that I tried to improve myself but at the same time I was also losing myself. I become depress, lonely, and overthinking when every little thing I see remind me of you. I couldn't forget about you for 3 years and I was drowning myself with those sad and hatred thoughts. I even thought of killing myself to end all those feeling and thought but he come to my life and slowly help me forget about it" you said making Jisung feel bad for what he have did to you.
"I guess, he made you really happy" he said.
"Yes he do." You reply him.

Then it become silent between you two until he said something that caught your full attention.
"I still love you Song y/n. I feel so bad after hurting you like that but I stupidly realize it late. The moment I want apologize to you and make it up to you but you were no longer there. You were gone after high school ended. I ask every one of your friends but you change your number and I tried searching for you but it was no use because your parent told me that you have gone to Australia"  he said, trying to hold in his tears.
"I did that because I want to move on from you, Jisung. I'm actually glad I did so because if I didn't do it, I couldn't have meet the love of my life." You told him, knowing that he's hoping to have you back in his life.
"And here I thought I will have you back in my life y/n." He said, showing you a sad smile.
"Even if I was single, I will never go back to you, Jisung. What you did hurt me too much that it's traumatized me of falling in love again" you said.
"He's a special someone to be able to make you fall in love again" he said, staring at you.
"He is and I'm grateful to be growing old with him" you told Jisung.
"I'm...happy for you" he said and you show him a smile.
"Thanks, I appreciate it Jisung" you nod, before standing up and pick up your stuff.

Jisung watch your action and wanting to stop you from leaving but he couldn't because he doesn't have the right to do so. He lost his chance to be with you and now you're in someone else life.

"I have to go now, my fiancée have arrive" you told him and he nod.
"Thanks for talking with me y/n, even for awhile. It really meant much for me" Jisung said.
"I wanted to say that I forgive you Jisung, for the past you did. It made me realize that sometimes we have to encounter a broken heart before finding the one. I hope you be able to find yours" you said to him, giving him a friendly hug before parting ways.

Jisung watch you left him just how you left him back then but this time, it's him with a broken heart and regrets. You look back to him and gave him a big smile that you always gave him back then but now it will be last time you did it for him. You finally feel the weight in your heart lift up. You  can now forgive him and forget the past.

Now you are walking toward a parking lot to see your fiancée was waiting for you outside his car. He lovely smile at you as he walk toward you and help you carry your shopping bags.

"How was shopping? Did you get what you needed for our wedding?" He ask and you nod.
"Sorry that I couldn't company you to buy these things" he apologetic said.
"No worries, I understand that your work can't be delay. So how was the meeting with Changbin? Did you two solve about your newest song produce?" You ask him and he have you a big smile.
"We solve it and now I can finally have my rest before our wedding day come" he cheerfully told you after putting the shopping bag in the truck and open the door for you.
"Btw, you seem happy for some reason did something happen in mall?" He ask, realizing your expression.
"I met a long time friend and we chit chat for a while" you said.
"Really? Do I know this friend of yours?" He ask, staring at you with question in his expression.
"No, actually he use to be really special to me and we have solve the problem from our past" you told him and he immediately get what you said.
"I see. I just hope he won't take you away from me because I don't want my sunshine to leave me" he pout, staring at you that made you giggle at his cute reaction.
"I would never leave you Channie~ you're my one and only forever my kangaroo" you cup his cheeks and gave him a peck on the lip.
"I love you Song y/n, no matter what you will always be mine and I'm yours" he said, planting a kiss on your cheek, nose, forehead and the top of your head.
"I love you very much Christopher Bang Chan" you giggle, pulling him into a warm hug.

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