Drunk - Yang Jeongin

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You were drinking with a group of friend but you got so drunk that you almost black out. Your phone keep on ringing so one of your friend answered it.

"Y/n!!! Someone want to talk to you" she drunkly said, passing your phone to you.
"Annyeonghaseyoooooooooo" you sang each letter drunkly.
"Noona are you drunk?!" He ask on the other line.
"What? No!! I'm totally sober" you hiccup then pat your chest hard.
"Where are you now...I'm picking you up" he sigh, knowing you're wasted.
"I'm...Hana, where are we?" You ask one of your friend and she yelled out the place name.
"I will be there in 10 minutes, just wait for me ok" he said before hanging up the call.

Exactly 10 minutes pass by, you saw a familiar figure walk toward you with worried expression on his face.
"Noona" he called out for you and you hug his waist.
"Innie!! You came" you said.
"We're going home" he grasp on your shoulders to support you standing up.
"Ohhhhh I never know y/n's taste in guy is the younger one" one of your friend tease you and that made you slam your hands on the table.
"You're wrong!!! I don't like younger guys they are immature and not responsible but Innie is different from them so don't go bashing my baby bread!!" You gave each of them a glare and stood up immediately making you stumble from your position.
"Noona be careful!" Jeongin scold you and wrap his arms around your shoulder, before leaving there with you.

Jeongin was carrying you on his back since the place before is already near to your apartment. While you were resting on his warm back, you keep on mumbling things.

"Jeongin....Yang Jeongin" you called out his name and he hum in respond.
"Are you mad at me?" You ask.
"No, I'm not mad" he replied.
"Good, because you didn't look happy when you saw me" you sadly said.
"I was extremely worried that Noona was still out drinking at this hours" Jeongin said.
"You!!! You shouldn't be out!! It's already pass 10" you shout right at his ear and punch his back.
"Yah yah!! Noona I'm already 20 years old...what about you? You have school tomorrow, you're a teacher for goodness sack" Jeongin scold you and you stop punching him.
"Ahhhhhhhhh can't I once have a day off?" You whine, moving both your legs side to side.
"Stop moving or you will fall!" Jeongin scold you again and you stop.
"You already wasted your day off by drinking so it's your fault" Jeongin continued but only to earn a soft store from you.
"Yang Jeongin...you know I care for you and dear for you right??" You mumble.
"Yeah I know" he nod.
"Can you wait for me until I'm ready to let you be part of my life?" You ask, snuggling in his neck.
"Noona, I will always be here for you no matter what" he replied, but little did you know he was smiling widely to know that he have hope for him to be with you.

The next day, you got a massive headache from last night hangover. But the thing is that, you are already provided with headache medication and also hangover soup. You saw a sticky note on the pot and read it.

'Noona, I have morning class sorry that I can't take care of you but I will come by this evening. I already cook you some hangover soup and put some headache medication on your night table if you ever needed it. I also have called the school that you are sick and got the day off so don't waste this day with alcohol again!! - from Innie'

Meanwhile Jeongin were walking to his class beside his friend when he got a text from you.
You: *a picture of you with the food he cook* Gomawoyo Innie♥️
Jeongin: I will come by at the evening, what food do you want me to buy for you later?
You: Chicken and spicy tteokbokki please 😍😘
Jeongin: alright~ I will see you soon♥️
You: nae~~ see you later Yang Jeongin *you send a heart finger photo*

What he didn't notice is that he was smiling while texting you and that made his friend ask him.
"Woahhh what is making you a giddily this morning?" Seungmin, wrap his arm around his shoulder trying to take a peck on his phone.
"None of your business" Jeongin put his phone in his pocket, knowing that he is excited to meet you later.
"It's his crush, btw how is she? Do she have a boyfriend now? If she's still single can I have her??" Hyunjin teasingly ask and that made Jeongin give him a smack on Hyunjin's shoulder.
"Yah!! What was that for??" Hyunjin whine in pain, rubbing his shoulder.
"Nothing, just feeling like to smack you Jinnie" Jeongin show a smile and walk to his class, wanting the time to past by fast because he can't wait to be with you.

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