Love yourself - Yang Jeongin

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You are now sitting in the cafeteria with your best friend. When suddenly a group of girl come sit in front of you.
"Oh~ is our piggy eating salad today?" She teasingly said making you uncomfortable.
"Yeah...because I feel like eating it" you manage to replied her.
"Leave us alone" your bestfriend, Suzy try to defend you.
"You such a loser Suzy, you know better than to be friend with her" one of the girl said.
"You should be with us, the pretty girls rather than being with a pig" the other girl said while looking a t you from top to bottom.
" she's more human that you 3 will ever be and she's beautiful as she is!!" Suzy told them off by slamming her fist on the table.
"Tch...rude much, but before we about we give lighten up y/n's salad" she snickered with her friend and take a bottle of ketchup and squirt it at you.

You and Suzy were shocked by it as well it get the rest attention.
"What the..." You stood up from your chair and looked down on your school uniform that is covered with ketchup.
"'s slip" she fake apologize.
"Here let top it with some salt~" one of  the girl grab the salt and was about to pout it on you.

You close your eyes not wanting salt get in but only you can hear is everyone gasp and a loud crack from a glass. You opened your eyes to see Jeongin infront of you while the 3 girls reaction were shocked.

"Stop bullying my girlfriend!!" Jeongin shouted at them that made them flinch.
"Tch...since when did you two even dated." The one girl annoyingly said.
"Yeah...a pig doesn't deserve to be with you" the girl defend state making you lowered your head.
"Y/n let's go" Suzy said and pulled you from the scene.

Jeongin watched you been pulled away and then he glared back at the 3 girls before following you. You are now at the girls bathroom, changing your uniform to your gym clothes. You went out from there thinking Suzy was waiting for your outside but to your surprised it was Jeongin.

"Where is Suzy?" You ask him.
"She went to the teacher office to report the incident with your and the 3 girls" he replied.
"She doesn't have to do that" you looked down, clenching onto your gym shirt.
"Y/ don't deserve to be treated like that and what Suzy is doing is the right action" Jeongin walk towards you.
"Why did you butt should have left me there, I can take care of it by myself" you looked away.
"Saying the girl who let others bully her" Jeongin state making you hurt by his words.
"I know that" you said.
"If you know that....then why did you let them bully you!!" He raise his voice at you.
"Because I'm nobody...I don't have the right to fight back, you know what they said is all true! I'm ugly and I'm fat...I'm no where close as their standard!! And you know that!!" You shouted back at him making him stare at you with disappointment in his eyes.
"Y/ may in the in top class but you are really stupid at times like this" he said making your eyes fill with tears.

Jeongin looked away and left. Suzy come and saw you fell down on your knee while crying. She didn't know what happened between you and Jeongin but all she can do is embrace you in a hug.

It's been a week and the 3 girls haven't disturb you. You were happy about that but you were still hurt by Jeongin's words. You wanted to talk to him but you don't have the courage to do so. Suzy had been notice how you will sometimes steal a glance at Jeongin wanting to talk to him so she make a plan.

After school, Suzy asked you to meet her at the rooftop and you went there only to see Jeongin presence not Suzy.
"Y/n..." He softly caps aid your name.
"I'm sorry I was supposed to meet Suzy" you said and tried to leave but the door was locked so you got panic.
"Suzy locked it and only I have the spare key" Jeongin showed the key in his finger.
"Did you plan all this?" You ask, not facing him.
"It was all Suzy's plan, she wanted us to make up" Jeongin replied making you sigh.
"What is it to resolve" you ask now facing him.

Jeongin stared at you but didn't say any words. He move his head and looked at the sky and then sat down, resting his back on the wall. He patted the space beside him signaling for you to sit there. You stood there for awhile but later gave in. A small smile creep on his face and he place his blazer on top your feet since you were wearing a skirt.

" thanks" you silently said but enough for him to hear.
"Do you know what you said wrong the other day?" Jeongin ask making you shook your head.
"You said you were ugly and fat, you said you were no where close to their standard but the things is you are unique and beautiful as you already are" Jeongin explain.
"Is that why you were dissapointed at me?" You ask, hugging your knee close.
"I wasn't only dissapointed but also angry at you for not loving and accept yourself for who you truly are" Jeongin sigh.
"I'm sorry" you apologize only to a earn a no from him.
"You shouldn't apologize to should say sorry to yourself for thinking that low about yourself...I know it's hard to fully accept who we are because I myself still have some insecurities but I love myself and grow to love you" he took your hand in his as he gently caress it.

You didn't say a words but only tears fall down on your cheeks. Jeongin noticed it and pull you into his a warm embrace as he caress your head gently.
"All better now?" He broke the hug after you stop crying to face you.
"Thanks...thanks for everything Yang Jeongin" you nodded and locked eyes with him.
"Now can you do a favor and start loving yourself more? I will always stay by your side y/n and be there when you need me" he plant a kiss on your forehead before looking back at you.
"For now I will and thank you for being here with me" you show him a wide smile.
"Always and forever love~" he said before pulling you into a mother hug.

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