Two Image - Kim Seungmin (Part 1)

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You were walking home from your part time job. It was already late at night and as you past down the street there are a lot of drunk people and some are ready to go to a club. You can never understand such behavior because all you care is to be able to help your mom and little sister. Your father disappear from your family for another woman and only end money to your mother for child support.

So you have to sacrifice your teenage life to help your mother with living expenses especially when you are near to go in collage. As you walk past the the popular club, you see bunch of couple making out outside the club and groups of guys trying their best to get the girls. You sigh at the scene and continued walking, not knowing that some group of guys are following you.

You get the feeling of someone following you but you didn't dare to turn your back because if you do, you will get into a huge trouble. As you are getting near your neighborhood, so was the sound of other people's footstep. You secretly take out your phone to be able to call the police but they bet you to it.

"Hey's not nice to do that to someone who want to be friend with you" he took your phone and exclaim at the word friend while staring at you cockily.
"Give me my phone back" you try to be brave but deep inside you were scare about the whole situation.
"I'm Felix, my friends here is Minho and Changbin. What about your name?" He lead forward.
"Non of your business. Now give back my phone!" You determinedly told him.
"You're feisty...I will give your phone back if you tell me your name and we go have some fun together?" He stare down at you and more like demand you to be with him.
"I don't want to do any of please" you hand out your palm to him to give back your phone but instead he place his hand.
"I will take that as a yes" he smirk alongside with his friends.
"Let me go!!" Your try to single your arm from his grip.
"Let her go!!" Someone shout toward you.

You and the guys who try to take advantage of you look toward the voice only to see 3 guy standing at the side.

"You kids..just run along and mind your own business" Changbin shoo them.
"FYI old man, we aren't kids and you...get your dirty hand of her" a guy with blond hair pointing at Felix hands that is holding onto yours.
"Why you!! You are seriously asking for a fight!" Minho clench his fist while glaring at them.
"Let's see who will win and I bet you will lose" A squirrel looking guy said and sneer at them.
"If you don't want to have purple eye about you let go of!" A guy with red jacket glare at Felix.
"Fine. This is a waste of my time. Let's go boys" Felix let go of your hand and left.

After they left, you squat down because of your now jelly leg. You were frighten to dead, not knowing what could have happen if someone didn't help you escape of it. But then suddenly you get the idea of the other 3 guys is also trying to take advantage of you so you quickly Stan duo and was about to ran away but one of them hold you back by holding on your backpack.

"Aish!!! Look I don't have money! And I'm not even close to be one of your guys type of girl to be with so please let me go" you plead but then go turn around of the person who hold you down.
"Here..your phone" the red jacket guy handed your phone.
"Huh? Oh! Thanks!" Your bow down at them.
"Btw...we aren't that type of guys so you don't have to worry" the blond guy assure you and gave you a friendly smile.
"Yeah! We may look scary but we have a kind heart!" The squirrel guy tap his chest and smile widely.
"Said the guy who look like a squirrel" the red guy joke and that made you chuckle.
"Oh! She's found that it more" the blond guy said and clapping like a seal.
"Shut up!! BangChan" the squirrel guy pout.
"Jisung, don't try to make a scene now" the red guy said.
"But Seungmin..." Jisung said the so familiar name and you frown your eyebrow.

You stare at the red jacket guy and start to notice something.
"Wait a minute!! You!!" You point at Seungmin and he look at your weirdly.
"What?!" He ask.
"Kim Seungmin!!!!" You shout his full name and swipe his bangs up to see if you were right and you were.
"Yah!" He slap your hand of his hair and fix it.
"Yah! How can't I didn't recognize you just now!!" You ask him with full confusion.
"Take you a long time to get its me? Maybe because of my style and hair?" He raise an eyebrow.
"Seungmin, do you know her?" BangChan ask, looking at you then back at Seungmin.
"Yeah, she's my classmate" Seungmin told his friend and they nod.

You still couldn't believe you are seeing this side of Seungmin because at school he was the nerd type. He was more like the teachers pet. Other student look up to him because of his smart brain, excellent grade and being great in sport. He also have a clean image in school, Seungmin usually slick his hair back and use glasses but now you are seeing such a different imagine of him!!

"Are you finish scanning me from head to toe?" He annoyingly said.

You then look at him with irritation. The reason why you don't really like him because of his cocky and annoyance personality. You bow at them again and thanked them for helping you.

"Now excuse me to go home" you said and give Seungmin one last glance before leaving from there.
"Hey Seungmin, what's her name?" Jisung ask, poking his friend arm.
"It's Hyun Y/n, don't ever think of getting her because she's mine" Seungmin declare and look back at you.
"Don't worry my friend, you have me" BangChan wrap his arm around Jisung's shoulder.
"You are the least person I want to be with" Jisung hump and walk away.

The next day, you reach school and just about to put your shoes in your locker when suddenly a note drop from it. You read the letter and it tell you to go to the gym storage room before class start. You rethink if you should go and meet this person or not.
"Should I?" You ask yourself.

Soon after, you arrived at the gym and head toward the storage room. You carefully open the door and look around the storage room when suddenly someone hold on your wrist.

"Seungmin?!" Your eyes widen.
"Hi again y/n" he smirk.
"What your doing here? Wait are you the one telling me to meet you here?!" You furrow your eyebrow, trying to put the piece together.
"Then who else is infront of you pabo?" He flick your forehead and let go of his grip from your wrist.
"Aish! What do you even what from me?" You stomp your feet our of frust.
"To keep my last night image a secret from everyone here. Understand?" He tilt his head, staring at you with his brown orbs.
"And what if I told everyone about it?" You threaten him, crossing your arms on your chest.
"Oh? Well, if you ever tell a single person of what you know about me. You will either face a huge consequences from me. That will make you rethink and wanting to turn back time. Do you want that sweety?" He told as he keep on walking near you and make your back on the wall.
"" you shuttered, and gulp.
"Good. That is what I wanted to hear from you at the first place. Not so hard right?" He smile at you and was about to leave.

You stare at him but then he stop his track, turning himself to you.
"Give me your phone" he demand and you did as he told you to.
"Here. I save my number in yours and yours in mine" he show his phone and gave yours back.
"Why are you doing this?" You question him.
"Because you know one of my dark secret" he told his head and shrug.
"One of?" You stare at him, with a questionable expression.
"Oh sweety, I have so many more dark secret that you will find out" he grin, putting a finger on your chin to make you look up at him.
"And beside...I kind of caught some interest on you so let see what will happen to us in the future" he whisper that made you flustered.
"Wha...what?!" Your cheek start to heat up.

He chuckle and grin again that made you more redder. Then suddenly the bell ring.
"Well there goes the bell. You better hurry up or else you will get into trouble sweety" he stare at you and then at the door then back at you.
"What about you?" You ask.
"I can make excuses because I'm the teachers favorite pet" he proudly said and push you toward the door indicating for you to go.
"And see you later Hyun y/n" Seungmin wink that made you blush again so you ran from there, trying to ease the feeling you are feeling toward him.

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