Lesson 18 - A Regular Day

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(3rd Person POV)

A girl with a black and white color scheme plays with a Rubik's Cube, as a knight with pink eyes approaches her.

"A Rubik's Cube? That takes me back." He says as he continues to walk towards her.

One half of her hair is black while the other is white, while her eyes follow the same pattern except in switched places. She has a bored look on her face as she continues.

"Getting one side is easy, but getting two sides is hard."

"That may be true. They are toys whose advent was spread by the Six Great Gods 600 years ago."

"Hm." She gives him a glance. "So, what has happened to bring the officers together?"

"There was a report submitted."

"I didn't read it. It's easier to just ask someone who knows the situation. Has 7th Seat's 'Thousand Leagues Astrologer' prediction gone awry? They've gone forth to subjugate the Catastrophe Dragon Lord, right?"

The knight's expression becomes serious. "They engaged an unknown vampire-like undead, and Cedran and Beaumarchais were killed, while Kaire was severely injured, so they withdrew."

"8th Seat 'Myraid Barriers' and 9th Seat 'Divine Chain,' huh?" The girl twists the Rubik's Cube's side once more, giving her one side that is completely orange. "So, which one is stronger--that vampire or me?" She looks at him with an expecting gaze.

"You are."

Her face turns bored once more. "I see. That's too bad. I though I might experience defeat. Come to think of it, the Sunlight Scripture has been wiped out, right?"

"Probably. Word is that they were done in by a magic caster named Ainz Ooal Gown and someone named (Y/n), yet they're apparently less known. However, not a single body was left behind."

"Oh? Are they strong?" She looks at him.

"Good question. Their captain, Nigun, was outdone by the Blue Rose."

"That's no measure of strength at all, is it? Is there no man who can beat me? No matter how ugly or how twisted they might be- even being inhuman is no matter." She rubs her stomach. "After all, they'd be a man capable of beating me. How strong would a child born of myself and such a man end up being?"


The blue sky and bright light of night lays on a sky blue dragon. He seems to be sleeping peacefully.

Footsteps are heard, then a voice.

"It has been a long time, Tsa." An old lady with a strong posture stands in front of this dragon, she has a smug smirk and white hair in a long braid. A black hood on her head, but not enough to cover her eyes and tan skin.

The dragon raises his head.

"What's wrong? Have you even forgotten how to say hello?"

"Ha-ha, sorry, Rigrit. I was trembling with emotion at seeing my old friend again." He explains.

"Friend, eh? My friend is that empty suit of armor over there." She looks over at a large suit of armor on a pedestal, a bit away from where the two stand. Her smug smile never leaves her.

"I have been apologizing for that for 200 years, haven't I? I can no longer travel with you in this body, you know."

She simply chuckles.

"So, you're still an adventurer now, aren't you?" He asks.

"I've retired. I've let that girl Inberun take over for me. That crybaby! She kept carrying on, so I told her if I beat her, she'd have to do as I say. And I gave it to her good!" She laughs.

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