Lesson 42 - Sebas's Test

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(3rd Person POV)

A man with multiple tattoos stands under an archway in the dark, fire from torches lighting the front of his view. He has a black vest on with white fur trimming it's edges, a scar on his right eye, and a bald head, pupils being simply dark dots.

"I'll have to apologize to Cocco Doll I guess." He grumbles, arms crossed, showing off his large muscles. "Despite letting him have Succulent, one of the Six Arms, this place still fell as easily as it did."

A women chuckles deeply, wearing cloth and silk similar to a belly dancer that showed off her slim figure and tan skin. Her long purple hair tied up in a tight low ponytail, clothing being dark turquoise. "So then, Boss, now that Succulent has been caught, do we kill him?"

"The man does have his uses. Reach out to the count and ask to have him released within the day." 'Boss,' orders.

A man approaches the boss next, this one wearing something similar to what a matador would wear, tattered in red, gold, and dark green, his under shirt being a collared white button up, going along with his sleeked back red mullet. "So what do we do? Step back? I doubt that there's enough benefit involved to justify the losses we'd take in going up against this."

Boss frowns, as if offended. "Don't be ridiculous. We have to make an example of those who hit the brothel, or our reputation with be diminished. Don't even consider losses at this point."

A man with a scarred sided jaw appears behind Boss, clearly a mage of sorts, a red cloak on him with grey shoulder pads connecting to his chest, a dark purple crystal ball emanating dark aura in his hand.

"Davernoch, the Undead King..."

A man in dark grey armor appears next to Davernoch. "Peshurian, of the Spatial Slash..."

"Edostrom, of the dancing Scimitar..." The woman smirks.

"Malmvist, of the Thousand Kills..." The man grins cockily.

"As well as myself, Zero, the Battle Demon..." Zero states before dropping his arms to the side, all his companions standing near him with smiles that radiate their superiority complexes.

"We'll show whoever attacked us a hell on earth!" Zero exclaims.

He grins. "We'll more than make them regret doing anything this foolish!"


"Now, let me start by asking you, Sebas, do I need to explain to you what I am doing here?" Ainz states, sat at the couch in front of Sebas and Solution, Demiurge and Victim on his right and Cocytus on his left.

"No, there is no need." Sebas replies firmly, although, the few drops of sweat that are littered across his face say otherwise.

(Y/n) yawned, standing on the same side of Solution and Sebas.

Ainz snaps his fingers. "Is something the matter, Sebas? You're sweating something awful. I'll lend you my handkerchief." Ainz raises a light blue cloth, tossing it at Sebas's feet.

Sebas shutters under his breath.


"I have brought her." The door opens to reveal Solution.

"Come on in, Tuare, the human pet that Sebas took in." Ainz watches as Tuare--nervous and confused--walks in, gasping at the sight of Ainz.

(Y/n)'s brows furrowed, however, before she could say anything Ainz had continued.

"You have courage to not run away."

Tuare gently grips the corner of Sebas's suit arm, looking at (Y/n) a few times as well.

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