Lesson 36 - A Revelation

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(3rd Person POV)

"I am Staffan Havish, a constable charged with keeping the capital safe." A pig looking man says, his green trench coat mixed with colors is light brown and maroon red. His hair being a dirty blond, and eyes being about the same color.

He has a little tuft of hair sticking from his greased back hairline, and a little french mustache.

Sebas is on Solution's right, while (Y/n) is sat on the floor and playing with her new stuffed wolf on the coffee table. Satchel hidden, and still in the same outfit she's been in since when she first went out.

"So, what can I do for you?" Solution asks, playing the part as the Lady of the house, Sebas the butler, and (Y/n) the child.

"There is an establishment-- well, his establishment, as it happens..." Staffan says as he sticks his hand to the side, introducing the hooded man next to him.

He has a scar going from his chin and to his cheek , being as tall as the bridge of his nose. He has scary green eyes and messy dark orange hair. His hoody is a dark green with dark red/orange stripes on it. He's definitely a suspicious figure.

"Succulent. It is a pleasure to meet you." The man says.

Staffan speaks. "I received a report from his establishment, you see, that someone carrying a scroll bearing the seal of the magician's guild handed over an inordinate amount of money and carried off one of the establishment's employees. This figure was seen with a little child, not even near the age of 8."

(Y/n) deadpanned, remembering that it was her and Sebas that the man was describing. 'Okay.. I have a bloodlust now. Ugh, why can't we just kill them, I have to get back to the Blue Roses.'

"Slave trafficking is prohibited within the kingdom, and it sounds as though this was a violation of that." Staffan's eyes are not where his mouth is, that's for sure.

'Oh yeah.. I wanna kill him.' She struggled to hold back her murder, gripping the stuffed wolf as if it were a lifeline.

"Is that so?" Solution simply smiled. "Huh?" The two men say in surprise as Solution stands.

"I will let my butler, Sebas, deal with this touchy matter. Sebas, you handle it from here. Good day, gentlemen. Come along darling." Solution grabs (Y/n)'s hand, helping her stand as they both leave the room.

Sebas sits in the chair Solution had sat at, eyeing the two. "Now then, in my lady's stead, I will hear whatever it is you have to say.


(Y/n) huffs, jogging around town. "Man, I wish I could've stayed to hear what was going to happen- but, I have to hurry back to the Blue Roses." She sighed, looking down at the plush in her hands.

"I really wonder what they were going to talk about." She mumbled, shrugging it off as she slowly made her way back into the plaza.


"Well, from the circumstantial evidence, it is beyond a doubt that you have committed a crime, but the establishment is willing to offer you clemency. Naturally, this will incur consolation payments and commissions." Staffan sets the cup of tea down, laying his back against the couch.

"I see. How much will that cost?" Sebas asks.

"It will be 500 gold coins." Succulent cuts in.

"That is extortionate. She was in a terrible state. If you were to take her away now, she might very well die." Sebas retorts.

"You don't say, you don't say. Well then, until she is done convalescing, what would you say to loaning us the lady of your house?" Succulent grins.

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