Lesson 6 - Caring

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(Y/n) POV

I skip through the halls and try to hide my giggles of excitement.

I'm planning on hanging out with the Pleiades more and maybe even Pestonya. Maybe I could even prank them.

Apparently Nii-san is going over information with Albedo right now so we agreed that I'd just wander around since... it's just all so confusing. 

I was able to catch Shalltear before she left. I gave her a hug and said goodbye overall. Nothing big since I know she'll come back in one piece.

I hum as I twirl mid-skip. "Alright, let's see who I run into first." I mutter.

I notice a few people appearing from the corner. I grin. 'Jackpot!'

Cixous, Foire, Lumiere... I think. (Look them up if you don't know them)

They're a friend group made of 3 Homunculus Maids.

Cixous is kind and seemingly the normal friendly type, Foire is energetic and bouncy, and Lumiere is calm, gentle and the mom friend.

'I kind of want to pull a prank on them... however, that might be a bit mean.'

I stare at them as they turn the corner and start walking in front of me, away from me.

I tilt my head to the side and start to follow them. 'I guess they haven't noticed me yet...'

"So is it true that Lord Ainz is really as scary as everyone says he is?" Foire asks the other 2.

Cixous shakes her head. "I don't believe in rumors like that. It's better to just find out through my own eyes." She giggles.

Lumiere nods in agreement. "Yes, I agree. You shouldn't be calling Lord Ainz scary though. He might take offense to it!" Lumiere scolds Foire making the bubbly girl giggle nervously.

"What about Lady (Y/n)?" Foire asks. I raise a brow.

"She's quite adorable! Didn't you hear, she's apparently only six years old!" Cixous smiles.

Lumiere and Foire stare at Cixous before laughing. "Oh please! That's definitely not true!" Foire smacks Cixous on the back making her yelp. I hold in the urge to laugh. "Yes, I agree that that is most probably not true." Lumiere agrees.

I sweat-drop as Cixous looks down, a bit sad.

I grin and run at them. Before they even notice what's happening, I grab onto the back of Cixous's maid outfit. I hug her from the back of her legs. She yells in surprise. The other 2 do the same.

This time I can't hold in my laughter. I look up from Cixous's outfit and laugh.

"Did I really scare you that bad?! Hahaha!!" I laugh.

They immediately straighten themselves up- well, Lumiere and Foire do. Cixous tries her best but it proves a bit difficult with me on her dress.

"Lady (Y/n), how may we be of service to you?" Lumiere asks politely.

I shake my head and lean into Cixous more. I feel her tense up and quickly heat up. 'Ahhhh, she's blushing, hehe.'

"No, just looking around and looking for something to do. Where are you all going?" I look at them all. I was right when I thought Cixous was blushing, she's as red as a tomato now.

"Well, we were just heading to the cafeteria- hey! Want to come with us!" Foire smiles as she crouches down to my level.

Lumiere quickly makes Foire stand back up and scolds her quietly, but aggressively. She then turns to me and repeatedly bows while saying sorry. I sweat-drop.

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