Lesson 46 - Entoma V. Blue Roses

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(3rd Person POV)
Unedited. Beware of, Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation Mistakes.

The people at the side shakily grab their weapons but continue to stay aside, too afraid of the man who just committed the quickest massacre they'd ever seen.

"Solution! Did you find Zero?" Sebas shouts up towards the balcony.

Solution, who stands on the balcony with tables strewn around and bodies haphazardly standing or sitting around, looks down at Sebas. "He does not appear to be here."

Sebas turns his head towards the people standing at the side. "That means another ten seconds."


The invisibility wears off to show Climb, Brain, and Lockmeyers running through the stone hallway and towards a cell.

"Here it is." Lockmeyer says as they arrive at a cell.

Climb kneels down and rings one of the bells he owns, waiting a moment as the door unlocks on its own.

Climb opens the door and looks down at the woman lying on her side. "Are you Miss Tuare?"

She slowly raises her head, and the men smile.


Purple shades curtains cause a hue of purple to hit a blonde-haired woman with a snake tattoo.

She pulls on a robe and stands from her bed, leaving the room and entering a dark and empty hallway.

She tenses in surprise at the lack of light and begins walking through the hallway. "What is going on?!"

Looking from afar, the large mansion is covered with nature and foliage that are mostly comprised of vines.

She gasps as she looks out the window of the second story, her widened eyes turning behind her as she feels a pair of eyes on her.

Two miscolored eyes look back at her from the bottom floor, seeming to glow in the dark.

"Say there, little girl..." The woman begins from the top of the staircase.

She freezes for a moment as she takes in Mare's full appearance. "...Or boy..?"

She simply smiles with upturned brows and continues walking down the stairs. "What are you doing here?"

"L-Lady, are you the most important person in the mansion?" Mare asks.

"No--er, yes I am. I'm the most important person in the mansion." She replies, reaching the end of the staircase and approaching Mare's shorter figure.

"S-So you are. Thank goodness." Mare grips his staff in relief.

A door behind him opens, catching the woman's attention.

Entoma stands in the doorway with a shadow cast over her eyes, her masked smile looking back at the woman as she holds a twitching severed arm in her kimono covered hands.

The woman gasps fearfully and covers her mouth.

"Um, so anyway, uh, we're leaving." Mare says, catching the womans attention again as Mare slams her staff down into the woman's left leg causing it to bend unnaturally in a 180.

"Ah! My leg!" She screams out in pained grunts.

Mare doesn't miss a beat and grabs the woman's bangs, lifting her head.

The woman has tears pricked in the corners of her widened eyes as she holds her head and Mare's wrist for some kind of stability. "Ow! Ow! Stop! Oh, stop!" She screeches.

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