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Bucky and you had been close during your times at HYDRA you helped him sort out all of the 'Screams / Voices' when they were bad, with your powers, one day you had the chance to escape and you took it.
You found S.H.I.E.L.D. And you knew you were safe a few years later the Avengers were formed and you were a part of taking down aliens and Loki.
Two years later you were in DC with Natasha and Steve and HYDRA struck. You hadn't known that Steve and Bucky knew each other or you would have told him sooner that his friend was alive.
A year later you were in Sokovia taking down an up and running HYDRA base with Loki's staff, and that's when you met a young woman with powers similar to your own, Wanda, you didn't like her at first but as you started to train together she could tell the tension was there, but soon enough you worked it threw.
Lagos was a horrible mess, you were set on not singing the accords you weren't about to give up your own freedom again, and the bombing that was blamed on Bucky, at the airport where you were about to go to Russia, and most likely fight Tony, you had time to talk to Bucky, you apologize for leaving him in HYDRA's clutches he forgave you.
You and Bucky settled in Wakanda T'challa had appreciated the help when you went to Tokyo and tried to help with Ulysses Klaue, but then he got away with the help of killmonger, you, and Nakiaot Princess Shurie, and Queen Ramonda away from the danger after T'challa 'Died'.
Then Thanos happened. Bucky had disappeared right in front of your eyes and you thought the paint would never end he was gone.
Five years after you were haunted by it seeing your lover disappear every time you close your eyes Steve came to see you and Natasha when F.R.I.D.A.Y informed the three of you that someone was at the gate it was Scott he told you that time travel was possible, and that we could bring back everyone. Tony was against it automatically but Bruce, who now terrified you, was on board, after a lot of tweaks and getting the team together you went in your time-heist, almost all of you, except Nat, came back, all of you grieved in different ways, but you had to get over it and bring back the people who only were halfway dead as the Racoon put it, and you did but you had to fight Thanos again which resulted in Tony dead, and a funeral soon after, Steve returned the stones and didn't return you were confused until Bucky got yours and Sam's attention, while Sam talked to Steve Bucky explained to you what exactly happens.
Two weeks later you Bucky and Sam stood outside of a bubble town with S.W.O.R.D. Caravans and tents set up as you watch an FBI agent explain how a woman named Monica was sucked in, "Why were the three of us called in?" Bucky asked.
"Because Y/l/n has powers like her's," The Director of S.W.O.R.D. who you don't trust.
You looked at the man with an arched brow, "Ya, but I won't hurt Wanda with my powers I and her have an understanding, besides we don't know what could happen to me or anyone who goes in."
"Y/l/n look your our best bet, it like you said Wanda and you have an understanding," He told you.
Bucky looked down at you, he could see the wheels in your head spinning, "Can I and Y/n have a moment." Bucky led you out of the main tent, "You can't be actually thinking about going in there."
"Bucky, he's not wrong, my powers can match up to her's I may not know what that dome dose, but I know Wandaor whatever is doing this to her won't get into my head, I'll make sure it's protected," you told him.
Bucky bit his bottom lip in thought, "I'll go in with you."
"Bucky baby no I can't let you do that, I don't you to get hurt," you cupped his cheek and kissed him.
He kissed you back, "I'm coming in with you, you know I trust you, I'm going to let you protect my mind, and be in there."
"You shure you wanna do this?" you asked.
"Ya," he nodded, the both of you walked back in.
The Director looked at you, "So?"
"I and Bucky are going to both do it," you told the older man.
He looked at you and Bucky, "You are?" he turned to Bucky, "Sargent Barmes you really don't have to do this."
"I'm going in with Y/n," Bucky said with determination.
"Alright," he sighed, "You go in tomorrow."
After talking for a bit about what it could feel like to Bucky when you put protection on his head, you put your pointer and middle fingers on his temples, you focus on protecting him, as you mumbled things under your breath, and saying things, that didn't make sense to him, you felt him wince a bit and you opened your eyes for a second not stopping what you were saying, "I'm alright," he told you, you nodded then continued.
After you were finished, you let go, "You still alright?"
"Ya," he smiled, "Just a little painful, as you said."
"I love you," you kissed him.
The next morning when you woke up you got dressed in your super suit, as did Bucky, you were driven down to the bubble, you got out and walked up first, you started to use your powers to weaken the small part of the bubble, blue looking smoke spreads across the surface, Bucky walked up beside you, "Okay," you said the S.W.O.R.D. agents had already hooked things to the both of you. "Y/l/n, Barnes you two be careful in there," The director told the both of you.
You took Bucky's hand in yours as the both of you stepped through, the effects didn't take through your minds, because of your powers, but the effects were obvious on your clothing and body, you looked to Bucky, and were surprised that his left arm wasn't metal anymore it was flesh, again, but that wasn't the only thing you saw that he and everything around you were black and white like an old movie or T.V show, "What the hell?" Bucky asked as the both of you looked around.
You were in an empty space, there was a house quite a few feet away, you both walked closer and looked around when you got to a house with quite a bit of empty space next to it, "Stand back," you told him, as you basically pulled a house out of the ground with your powers, once you were finished you turned to Bucky, "Let's go see." He laughed and walked in.

" He laughed and walked in

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