Wanda, Don't

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You woke up and walked to the closet and got dressed in your clothes, you walked downstairs, and into the 'new' living room, and into the kitchen, you poured your self some of the wired cereal that they had in that place, and milk you took it into...

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You woke up and walked to the closet and got dressed in your clothes, you walked downstairs, and into the 'new' living room, and into the kitchen, you poured your self some of the wired cereal that they had in that place, and milk you took it into the living room and turned on the TV, It showed what was currently happening in Wanda's house, there was a doctor there currently, and Wanda was, pregnant?
"What the Fuck?" you said in a whisper.
"Why is Aunt Wanda on the TV?" George asked.
You turned around, "Um, ya."
"Oh, can I get a bowl of cereal?"
"Ya," you got off of the couch and walked into the kitchen, "Wheres your sister?"
"Um, asleep...maybe, or waiting for dad to give her moring tickles," George said.
You poured his bowl of cereal, "Morning tickles...hu?"
"Ya, You and dad have been acting wired these past two days," George noted.
You looked up thinking of what to say, "That's...because we're getting used to being here, remember we just barely moved here?"
"Okay sure mom," George laughed.
"What does that mean?" you asked.
George looked at you with confusion, "Mom we've lived here since Natalia was borne, that's four years, we didn't just barely move here."
"Oh," you said, Bucky walked in, your eyes widened, "Bucky, um...Y-your hair, is a lot longer than I remember you had it yesterday."
"Ya, I know," he said, George looked confused, "What's wrong bud?"
"Um...You usually bring Natalia down with you," George said.
"Bucky you poured a bowl for yourself and Natalia I'll go get Natalia," you walked out and whet upstairs.
You walked into the room, "Natalia?"
"Mommy? Wheres Daddy?" She asked.
"He's downstairs, he and mommy haven't been quite stressed but don't worry things will be normal soon enough," you said.
After spending the morning with Bucky, and you're fake-ish children, you got up off of the couch, "I gotta go."
"Why do you gotta go Mom?" George asked.
"Just to see Wanda and make shure she's alright," You said.
"Don't go," George said.
You looked at him with confusion, "Don't worry dad will be here with you two."
"But We Want Mommy And Daddy!" Natalia complained.
"Well some times we don't get what we want," You tell her.
"Ant Wanda gets what she wants," George said.
You blinked, "No she doesn't."
"Ya, she does, uncle Vision was dead, wasn't he, and then she brought him back to life, and now she's pregnant she gets what she wants and we want both you and daddy to stay," George argued.
"In reality, you don't get what you want," Your eyes sighed your signature blue, with the anger that was building up, "Don't argue with me, George."
His eyes did the same with purple, but went back to normal, "Alright mom." you and Bucky looked at each other, the weird glitch thing happened again, where everything went back to normal.
You left and headed to Wandas, and then there was another commercial for Hydra sope stuff, you were at Wanda's house, "I fucking hate that," you mumbled then you walked in through the front door, to find Wanda alone, "Well it seems that I found you at a good time."
"Y/n, before you do anything, stop, I'm having contractions," She told you.
"What? You were only pregnant just this morning," you said.
"Well It seems that something decided to speed it up," she said breathing deeply.
"Something?" you asked.
She scoffed, "Y/n, you don't honestly believe I'm the only one doing this."
"Who then?" you tilt your head.
"I don't know," She said truthfully.
"Okay then why did you give us kids?" you asked.
"Us? Oh, Barnes, I definitely didn't do that, I only did my pregnancy, thats the only thing I've done with kids," she told you, then there was a knock on the door.
She didn't do a skippy thing Wanda put on a blue coat, then she just answered the door, Wanda put on a blue coat, "Wanda, what's up? It's 75 degrees out. You're making a fashion statement?"
"Hi, Geraldine. You know, now is not really a good time," Wanda said.
"No, no, no, it's foxy. You'll have to let me borrow it sometime. But first, I gotta borrow a bucket. Not to wear, to use. Somehow, all the pipes in my ceiling burst at once and I gotta bail myself out." Geraldine explained, "Oh hi Y/n." she smiled and waved.
"Hi," you waived.
"All right, sure. Just stay right there. I think I might have a bucket in the kitchen." Wanda said as she turned around and went to the kitchen, "I think it's just here under the sink!" Wanda shrieked.
"Are you all right in there?" Geraldine asked.
"Yes! I'm Just Looking," Wanda groaned.
Geraldine walked past you, " I'll come help." Wanda declined, but Geraldine came in any way and found the bucket, Wanda was holding a fruit bowl, "Bingo. Would you look at that?"
"What?" Wanda asked.
Geraldine smiled, "Fruit. Wanda! Thank you. Yummy."
The three of you sat down and had normal conversation, for a few minutes until a stork came in "Is that what I think it is?" you asked Wanda.
"Ya," She said.
"How?" you said with wide eyes, shrugged.
Geraldine finished her story, and walked to Wanda's extra room, which was now a nursery, "Is that what I think it is?"
"Oh, a stork, yes, I can explain," Wanda said.
Geraldine shook her head, "No! The crib."
Wanda dropped the fruit bowl with a grunt, "It's coming. Oh. The baby's coming."
"You're pregnant?" Geraldine asked, you both led her to the living room "Okay, Wanda. Now, let's get you comfortable. Okay?"
"Wanda just breath," You told her.
"I think I'm gonna lay down right here. Vision ran to get the doctor. He'll be back soon." She laid herself on the ground.
"No, no, there's not enough time for that. Relax. Relax, You know your breathing, right?" Geraldine asked, Wanda just noded.
Avery thing in the house was moving and doing wired things, as Wanda pushed and grunted, you held her hand as you and Geraldine comforted her, after a few more minutes of pushing and breathing there was a high pitch cry of a baby, "It's a Boy," Geraldine said.
The doctor and Vision came in, "Oh, no. I missed it."
You, Geraldine, and the doctor went into the kitchen, but soon Wanda Screamed again and you all came rushing in, and the process repeated but with a doctor.
The doctor did a quick check-up, to make shure the twin boys were alright, then Vision offered, to take him home, the three of you looked at the twins, "I'm a twin," Wanda said in a reminiscent tone, "I had a brother. His name was Pietro," she turned to the babies, and sang a lullaby in Sokovian, you smiled sadly at the memory of her brother.
Geraldine looked like she remembered something, "He was killed by Ultron, wasn't he?"
Wanda turned slowly towards her, "What did you say?"
"Wanda, don't," Your voice was stern.
Wanda looked at you, "Shut up Y/n," She turned to Geraldine, "What did you say just now?"
"I said, Wanda, you're such a strong lady Should I say it one more time for good measure?" Geraldine said with a little laugh.
You look at the woman with black hair, "Nows not the time for laughing."
"No. What did you say about Pietro?" Wands voice got very dark and serious, Billy started to cry you picked him up and started to cradle him trying to keep him calm.
Geraldine tilted her head, "Pietro?" she decided to change the subject, and sit down on the couch, "Uh...Hey, I'll take a shift rocking the babies." You shook your head at the woman, as a warning that she just did something really wrong.
"No, I think you should leave, you too Y/n," Wanda said.
Geraldine scoffed, "Oh, Wanda, don't be like that."
"What is that?" Wand pointed at her necklace.
"What?" Geraldine asked.
Wanda looked scared, "That. That symbol. Who are you?"
"I don't..." Geraldine cut her self off Billy started to cry again, and you cradled and hushed him.
"I...Wanda. Well, I better get going. That macramé's not gonna hitch itself." Geraldine got up from the couch.
You watched blasted Geraldine through the nursery, "Wanda what the hell," you said, as you put Billy in his cradle.
Wand turned to you her eyes red, "Go home now."
"Now," she said, you opened a portal and walked through closing it as you arrived at the front door, of your 'house'.
You walked in, "Y/n?" Bucky said as soon as you walked in.
"I don't wanna talk," You trudged upstairs, you could hear one of the kids, try and follow you.
"Stay down here," Bucky said.
George looked at Bucky, "Is she gonna be alright?"
"Um, Ya, let's get you two to bed," Bucky said, getting off the couch and walking them upstairs.

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