Wanda back down

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You woke up, and next thing you knew you were in front of a camera for some reason you knew you you were supposed to talk about what you thought

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You woke up, and next thing you knew you were in front of a camera for some reason you knew you you were supposed to talk about what you thought. "Um..ya I don't really know how I got home last night so it was weird waking up this morning." You were back in bed with a mega migraine.
Bucky came in. "You alright? You've been in bed all morning."
"Shh-shh, I have a migraine and I think it's because of what Wanda did with my powers last night." You said.
Then the kids came in. "Mommy, Daddy, everything downstairs is going crazy." Natalia said.
"Shh, George You figure it out, you have the powers to do so." you pulled the covers of your bed over your head.
"Mom, I dunno how to control my powers." He told you.
You sighed, "Okay I'll deal with it later."
"I'll get you ibuprofen." Bucky said.
You shook your head, and threw the covers off finding your Halloween costume, "I'll be down in a minute."
Bucky left and you went to the closet and changed into your clothes, you when to the kitchen and took medicine and made some breakfast for yourself, you sat on one of your chairs, "Mom." George said.
"What?" You asked sounding like you were about to cry.
"What did aunt Wanda do to you last night?" he asked.
"I don't know." You opened your eyes, and everything started glitching, "I'll go talk to her, wheres your dad?"
"Went to work." George told you.
"Okay, I'll be back soon, George your in charge." You left for Wanda's.
You knocked on the door, and the twins answered, "Hi aunt Y/n." Billy said.
"Hi, where is your mom?" you asked.
"In bed." Tommy told you, "Come in."
Almost as soon as you walked in Wanda came down, "Oh, your here."
"Nice to see you too, thanks for the migraine." You smiled with irritation, "What the hell is going on I need my kids to be quiet."
"I dunno, Y/n, you can use your powers most likely to fix your house, now leave...please." she told you.
You left back to your house, you walked in, and used your powers to fix everything, "They're all fixed, stop complaining please."
You sat in the kitchen thinking about why did Wanda used your powers along with her's last night, then there was a knock on your door, "Don't Answer The Door!" then you walked into the living room, and answered it.
"Hi, Y/n." Agnes said walking in with Billy and Tommy, "I could see you from across the street and just knew you needed a break."
"Uh...I got it, don't worry Agnes, I've got it." You told her.
"Oh please." she said cheerfully, "Your one grey hair away from old."
Then you were in front of the camera again, "Did, she just call me old?"
Then you were back with the kids and Agnes, you sighed, "I guess." you look at the kids, "Be good, I'll see you two later."
"Bye neighbor." Agnes said.
"Bye-bye mama." Natalia said, they left.
You sighed, as you sat on the couch, and rubbed your face, you heard a loud noise, from outside, you walked outside, and you flew yourself to where the sound was, you saw the front of a truck and used your powers to send it back out, then you saw a shadow, start walking threw, and would stop, and then continue, then they soon made it threw, it was Geraldine/ Monica, you ran to her, her eyes glowed a blue lighter than yours, "Are you alright?"
"Ya...Y/n, are you...alright?" She asked.
You gave her a firm nod, "Ya."
"How do I turne this off." she pointed to her eyes.
"Um...You just focus on it, think about turning it off, and close your eyes." You explained.
"Okay." she sighed, then closed her eyes, and opened them reviling brow, she pulled off her spacesuit and started to run.
"Don't Ya' Think It Would Be Just Easier To Fly?" You yelled, catching up to her, with flying.
"I can't do that." she said.
"If I can I think you can, or I can just take your hand, and fly with you." you tell her.
"Seems like the best option for right now." she agreed.
You took her and started to fly going to Wanda's house, bursting in through the front
door, "Wanda? Wanda!" Monica called out.
"What are you doing?" Wanda asked both of you, "How did you get in here?"
"Listen to us. This whole thing is about Vision." Monica said.
Wanda glared at both of you, "Get Out Of My House!"
"Hayward was trying to bring him..." She was cut off by Wanda, using her powers to have you be flown in the air.
"The drones, the missiles. Pietro?" She said with anger.
Monica looked at her in confusion, "No, wait, Pietro, no, no, no, that wasn't us."
"Wait you didn't do Pietro?" you asked.
"All You Do Is Lie!" She threw the both of you to the ground, you saw out of the corner of your eye, Bucky coming out of your house.
"The only lies I've told are the ones you put in my mouth." Monica said.
A red orbe of her powers showed in her hands, "Careful what you say to me."
Your hands did the same thing, "Wanda back down."
Monica held her hand infront of you. "Do it, then. Take us out." You knew wanda wouldn't do it, but you didn't know how sure Monica was, "See? That's where you and Hayward differ. He's gonna burn Westview to the ground just to get what he wants. Don't let him make you the villain."
"Wanda." Your friend and allie, looked to you. "Don't be what HYDRA wanted you to be."
"Maybe I already am." She smirked alittle.
You looked at her only seeing her from 2015. "I'm not afraid of you, Wanda. I lost the person closest to me, too. The worst thing I can think of has already happened to me and I can't change it. I can't undo it. I can't control this pain anymore. And I don't think I want to, because it's my truth. Wanda, you have to-" Monica was cut off.
"Young lady, I think you overstayed your welcome." Agness interrupted. "Poor Wanda and Y/n have been through enough, and you coming in and ruining there friendship isn't helping eather of them." Your eyes were purple looking similar to when Wanda had used her powers on you.
"This doesn't concern you, Y/n's on my side," Monica told agnes, "Wanda..."
"Run along, dear." Agnes walked the two of you away.
Monica turned, "Wanda, you have to take it down."
"No." Wanda pouinted at her. "Don't make me hurt you." Agnes led you away to her house.
Bucky ran up to Monica, "What happened where is Agnes taking Y/n?"
"I don't know but somthing was wrong, with her." Monica walked with Bucky to Agnes' house.
"Oh, here." Agnes led the both of you to her couch. "Would you like a cup of tea, hon?"
"Sure. Thank you, Agnes." Wanda said.
Agnes looked at you. "And you Y/n?"
"No, thank you." You said.
Agnes whent to the kitchen on the coffee table three plates of sadwitches and chips and four half filled cups of juse, and the T.V was playing Yo Gabba Gabba! You looked around and noticed a huge fly, the house felt...odd.
"Agnes where is George and Natalia?" You got off of the couch, and walked to the kitchen.
"Ya? Where are the Twins?" Wanda asked.
"Oh! They're probably just playing in the basement." Agnes told both of you.
You and Wanda walked to the basement door it creeked open, you both called out to the kids, then walked down there, you called out againe, no answer than you saw a dark tunnel with vines coming out, of th tunal, both of you called out for them, and walked in fearther in it looked like a midevile lair with big flys flying all around there was animal bones in a cabinate a book that was propped up on a stand and was glowing.
"Y/n and Wanda you didn't think you two were the only magical girls in town did you?" She used her powers to lock the three of you in here as she eveily pet's her rabbit, "The name's Agatha Harkness. Lovely to finally meet the two of you, dear's." Agnes' eye's glowed purple then dark ness consumed you and Wanda.
Bucky and Monica searched Agnes' hous from the outside when they came acros sellar doors, witch had creepy purple glowing vines.
"Who's gonna go down firs?" Bucky asked.
"Snooper's gonna snoop," Pietro said before knocking the both of them out.

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